Season 7 Episode 8 “With the Zephyr’s time drive malfunctioning, the team hurtle toward disaster with Yo-Yo as its only hope; Yo-Yo must enlist the help of an old adversary to regain her powers.”
What I Liked?
1. We flashback to when Deke sets off to find and bring Mack back to the Zephyr to get ready for the next time jump. We get to see this happen from the POV from the team inside the Zephyr and we learn that they didn’t just jump once but jumped multiple times because of the time engine being broke.
2. YoYo and May head to the only person who could possibly help bring back YoYo’s speed abilities, Jaiying AKA Daisy’s birth mother and the person who went to war with SHIELD in an earlier season when Hydra had experimented on her and left her for dead.
3. May’s abilities to feel emotions has grown, she can now feel intentions without even touching people, she learns of Jaiying’s right-hand man’s intentions to keep May and YoYo as prisoners.
4. Simmons and Sousa have a little “I’m sorry” talk for how Sousa treated Simmons in the ’50s. Simmons gifts Sousa a brand new prosthetic leg from the future which he later uses. Small scene but great nonetheless.
5. Afterlife comes under attack from Nathanial and Hydra to capture Inhumans. Nathanial manipulates Corra to join him and lead the attack on Afterlife. YoYo and May bring Jaiying and Gordon to the Quinnjet to let them teleport away.
6. May and YoYo fail to bring YoYo’s powers back and when all seems lost, YoYo pushes through her mental block to regain her speed and save the Zephyr from being destroyed and leaving the team in the ’80s.
What I Disliked?
1. While it was nice to see Afterlife, Jaiying again, the episode focused on YoYo regaining control of her abilities which gave the episode a somewhat “slow” feeling to it even though it pushed through quite a lot.
2. The reveal of Daisy having a step-sister was quite lackluster. I mean they brought back Jaiying, they could have had her and Daisy meet and Daisy could have found out about her stepsister but she didn’t.

Favorite Moment
Throughout the episode we saw a girl, named Corra keep trying to escape from Afterlife, she then tries to commit suicide but the gun quickly gets dismantled by Nathanial, who has the same abilities as Quake.
Standout Character
It was between YoYo and May but ultimately it had to go to YoYo simply because this was a big episode for her. She had to push through the mental block she had herself on and had to relive some painful memories.
The Verdict
A different paced episode compared to the rest of the season but the episode did give us some major reveals like Daisy’s sister, Nathanial having Quakes powers and it showcased the stress Simmons has by not being with Fitz.