Season 7 Episode 9 “A time storm ravages the Zephyr, propelling it toward destruction while simultaneously forcing Daisy and Coulson to relive their failed attempts to save the team.”
What I Liked?
1. The team is trapped inside a “time storm”, their close to being pulled into a vortex which will make them cease to exist in any history. Mack gets blinded by a storm flash, Daisy puts out a fire then wakes up again and relives the same moments over and over again.
2. Daisy struggles to find out what to do, she eventually wakes Coulson up who has remembered all the times she’s forgotten and woke him up. Coulson tells her that she’s been reset over 80 times, with each time the Zephyr is closer to entering the vortex.
3. Coulson and Daisy try to get Simmons to take out her implant so she can tell them what to do when Simmons is locked in a room on her own, she gets killed. Daisy and Simmons relive this moment later on when both Daisy and Simmons are killed in the same way, with one of the team cutting a gas line in the room.
4. Coulson and Daisy have a heart to heart about Coulson being alive, having a soul in which Coulson knows he doesn’t and that he’s just a machine while having this conversation, Coulson figures out who the killer aboard the ship is… Enoch.
5. Daisy wakes up again and instead of doing the mission, she uses this time to speak to Sousa about why he’s so helpful and willing to help, they speak about it and end up sharing a kiss which Sousa will obviously forget if the reset happens again.
6. Daisy has one final chance to save the team from the vortex, a machine inside of Enoch is the key to stopping the machine from jumping into the vortex, Simmons refuses and tries to find another way but Enoch without hesitation rips the machine out which ultimately will end his long life.
7. Enoch tells Coulson and Daisy in his last moments that he’s seen the future and he tells Daisy this is their last mission as a team. I wonder what else Enoch saw in this future?
What I disliked?
Episodes or even movies which involve time loops don’t truly get me invested, while it was a good episode, I just couldn’t truly get invested in it.

Favorite Moment
We get a little comedic moment in this episode after Daisy and Coulson find out Simmons programmed Enoch to protect the implant at all costs, even if he had to kill, even if he had to kill Simmons, so we get a little scene where Daisy and Coulson try everything to get past Enoch but he kills them or badly beats them up.
Standout Character
I would have chosen Daisy, however, after a long debate inside my mind, I’m going to have to go with Enoch, he was a standout all episode from protecting the implant to ultimately sacrificing himself for not the team but his family that he gained while he was with the SHIELD team.
The Verdict
An unexpected great but yet emotional episode. Even though stories involving time loops don’t get my full attention, I found myself paying attention more to this episode than any other show that’s used this story. The action was great and a great ending to Enoch’s story.