Season 6 episode 13 “With time running short, the team has to go to hell to stop the end of everything.”
What Was Good?
1. The episode kicks right off with Fitz, Jemma and the SHIELD agents in the HQ seeing Sarge kill May when they lose all communication and live feeds when The Hunters from Chromicom 2 arrive in the SHIELD base and kill everyone in the base.
2. We see May in Izel’s homeworld laying in a pool of her own blood while 3 dark figures watch over her then walk to her body. These figures reminded me of the Death Eaters from Harry Potter.
3. Sarge let’s Izel think he’s on her side until he punches her into a column but then switches sides again and tells her to call her Shrike back to the temple because he’s about to give them new life. This scene confused me, one minute he was on her side, then he was punching her then the next he was going along with the plan.. I don’t know if part of this was Coulson’s memories coming through but it was confusing.
4. The 3 dark figures hold out 3 small monoliths to open the doorway to let Izel’s people in to go through the gateway. The camera then pans down to a pool of blood and foot prints walking away. We see May is alive and then the 3 small monolith’s come flying through the gateway which stuns Izel.
5. Fitz and Jemma realize that The Hunters have there memories from the brain machine they were in earlier in the season. They go to a room and plan to blow up all the mind tech in the SHIELD base. Their holding onto a grenade about to destroy everything. Three Hunters just then one of the Hunters kills the other 2 and puts the pin back in the grenade. Turns out this is Enoch and he offers Fitz and Jemma a way to fix this but at a cost. At the end of the episode Jemma picks up the SHIELD agents in a upgraded plane. She teleports into what seems to be the past. We then see the Empire State Building being built.
What Was Bad?
1. The Shrike take over the plane and trap Mack. Quake and Yo-Yo in the cockpit when they use something to blow up the door to get in. Yo-Yo uses her speed to shoot the 3 Shrike just then a Shrike flies in and enters Yo-Yo’s body. For me. This was one of Yo-Yo’s best scenes this season. While we’ve seen her use the powers we haven’t saw it from her perspective which was great in this one scene.
2. May comes back through the gateway and falls into Quake’s arm because of her sword wounds. She speaks to Quake saying maybe she’ll Coulson now before passing out. IS MAY DEAD?
Holy Shit Moment
1. Izel enters her homeworld to finish off May, May is ready for her and they engage in a sword fight, Izel manages to open the door so her people can get through then Izel goes back through the gateway which leaves May in another fight, just then a sword comes through Izel’s chest, It’s May who killed Izel.
2. Quake angry at the fact she let Sarge go so he could kill Izel but killed May instead, Quake immediately quakes Sarge’s entire skin off which reveals this creature who then fights with Mack, Mack takes a beating until Quake joins and Mack manages to slice Sarge in half. This was one of Mack’s strongest moments, he’s had a few throughout the entire time he has been on the show but he really took a beating this time.
3. Now for the most unexpected moment, Enoch has created a LMD of Coulson. For me, this was a mix of feelings. I love the fact that Coulson is still here, but his whole death arc last season feels meaningless now that there is a LMD of him.
The Verdict
Very interesting, confusing end to the season. The whole 2 hour finale was incredible but the ending had me very confused. Jemma seemed like she was a chromicom. Fitz is once again missing, the SHIELD team look’s like they are in the 1930’s. The LMD of Coulson feels cheap. Will May survive, she’s inside one of the pods Fitz was in.
Rating: 9/10
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