Season 6 episode 12 “With time running short, the team has to go to hell to stop the end of everything.”
What Was Good?
1. The episode starts off with a POV from Flint. He looks around to see Yo-Yo and Mack chained up with Izel, which leads Flint to get hostile with Izel for hurting his friends. Just as he’s about to use his powers she jumps into his body and takes control, so she can use him to build the monoliths. This was great to see Flint back from last season. I hope he plays a bigger part next season.
2. Quake, May and Sarge arrive at the temple where Izel is planning on opening the gateway to her homeworld. The trio walk through the jungle but get ambushed by people who have been taken over by Shrike. Quake offers to lead them away so May and Sarge can get to Izel and stop her.
2. Fitz, Jemma and Deke are working on something to stop Izel from taken control of them they design some bracelets they just need to build something that can get them past Izel. Deke tries to show Fitz a machine he built but they get into a argument, and Deke uses the machine to make his point and he gets past Izel to get the bracelets onto Yo-Yo and Mack. The machine takes time to recharge so Deke gets trapped in the temple. In my opinion Deke has been the underdog of the season. A lot of people write him off but he’s smart, knows what to do and is a survivor.
What Was Bad?
1. Deke took some of the SHIELD tech and created inventions and designs for civilian use, like the framework turned into a virtual gaming system. Fitz doesn’t like this so him and Deke argue which leads into Deke telling Fitz and Jemma that everyone doesn’t like him, and pay attentions to him. For me this scene was pivotal for Deke. Mainly because it truly showed the emotion he’s kept to himself for many years for him and a couple of seasons for the viewers.
2. Izel used Flint to create the monoliths and started singing to open the doorway. This leads into Sarge hearing the music from a different location, and he starts to get angry and he shouts at May while half of his face comes off then goes back to normal.
Holy Shit Moment
A superpower. Super angry Sarge vs Izel, the two have a fight then Sarge gets the best of Izel. He leans in with the sword to kill Izel when he can’t do it, Izel and May both talk to Sarge. May gets close to Sarge telling him that she had the same pain, that the pain he’s feeling is love. Sarge then tells May that he knows how to get rid of it, then promptly puts the sword through May’s stomach and pushes her through the gateway. This moment blew me away. May has been the badass fighter for every single season. To see her let her guard down, get stabbed, and potentially killed was heartbreaking.
The Verdict
The first hour of the 2 part finale was insane. From start to finish it was great. Seeing old friends, Seeing the team fight among them selves as to what to do with Sarge was really interesting to see. May getting stabbed, and potentially killed was heartbreaking to see.
Rating: 8/10
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