Season 1 Episode 5 – “Ahsoka confronts her past, while Hera and her allies undertake a rescue mission.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Hera lands on the planet to look for anybody she can, She can’t find either one of Ahsoka or Sabine, but she does find Huyang, looking out into the ocean holding Sabine’s Mandalorian Helmet. He tells Hera that he told them to stay together, but they didn’t listen. You honestly felt so sad for Huyang at that moment in time. This is what makes the droids special within Star Wars when they get given the chance to have a personality. It happened with Artoo, C3PO, Chopper, and now Huyang.
2. Anakin tells Ahsoka that she lost a fight. He’s here to finish her training. I believe Ahsoka needs this, she feels like she could have saved Anakin, saved the Order, She has this weight on her that needs to be shed and this training will lift it from her. Anakin tells her the lesson is “Live or die”.
3. While Hera and Carson are speaking about informing Senator Organa about the mission, Hera’s son Jacen feels something in the water. He tells his mother to listen to the waves and to focus on the sound. She asks “What sound”, to which he responds “The lightsabers”. I loved this. This showcases just how powerful he could become, just like his father, Kanan.
4. Finally, making his live-action debut… Captain Rex.
5. The transitions within the flashbacks for Anakin, how it flawlessly switched from Anakin with his blue saber, to Vader with his red. The transitions were so on point that it deserves a like on it’s own.
6. We get a flashback to the Siege of Mandalore. Anakin arrives and tells Ahsoka that he doesn’t recognize this battle and she tells him that they had separated at this point. At this point, while Ahsoka was on Mandalore, Anakin was turning to the dark side. Ahsoka tells Anakin that her legacy is a part of one of death and war, he tells her that she is more than that because he is more than that. She tells him that he is more than that, he is more powerful and dangerous than anyone realizes.
7. We get an Ahsoka vs. Lord Vader showdown where Anakin has the red lightsaber as well as his Sith eyes. The transitions to make him switch between Anakin and Vader are flawless again, as well as his voice. This is what Ahsoka needed. Anakin taught his final lesson to Ahsoka, where she chooses to live. This is where Ahsoka goes from Gandolf the Grey to Gandolf the White. We see Ahsoka change from her dull greyish clothing to white.
8. While Ahsoka is speaking to the Purgil, Carson is keeping the New Republic busy in space. We then get to see Ahsoka speak and connect to the Purgil to ask them to transport them to find Ezra and Sabine. We see Ahsoka take her ship inside the massive Purgil and take off into the unknown in space.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report.
Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would be Anakin’s training. We see him teach Ahsoka about some important stuff. He takes her back to The Clone Wars to teach her to be a leader, to be a soldier. We see Anakin in his live-action Clone Wars gear, it was perfect. Anakin tells a young Ahsoka that when Obi-Wan taught him, they were keepers of the peace, when he has to teach Ahsoka now, he has to teach her to be a soldier to win the war. He tells her he can be more serious, he’s teaching her how to lead and how to survive.
Standout Character
Ahsoka. While she may be older and wiser now, it’s never too late to still learn a lesson from her master. Anakin taught her a valuable lesson to live or die. Ahsoka needed this. She needed to be cleansed and she needed to be free from the guilt that she had.
Dave Filoni is a genius. This episode was perfect. The storytelling between master and apprentice, between family was so well written, so well acted, and so well portrayed that it honestly felt like a true Clone Wars episode. Anakin and his transitions were so well executed that it was incredible in every single scene.
Rating: 10/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
Dave Filoni is a genius. This episode was perfect. The storytelling between master and apprentice, between family was so well written, so well acted, and so well portrayed that it honestly felt like a true Clone Wars episode. Anakin and his transitions were so well executed that it was incredible in every single scene.