Season 1 Episode 4 – Hera risks her career to help her friends whilst Ahsoka and Sabine confront enemies.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. A thrilling action scene kickstarts the episode, featuring Huyang engaged in a fierce fist fight that was also hilarious at the same time. Ahsoka and Sabine join the fray, making it a delightful spectacle of lightsaber combat against minions. The perfect start to the episode, as it showcases their seamless teamwork and coordination.
2. After Sabine and Ahsoka rush to get to the map, they bump into Marrok and Shin. We then witness two intense duels: Sabine vs Shin and Ahsoka vs Marrok. The scene is a pure Star Wars moment and it’s everything to me. Sabine even uses her lightsaber after her helmet is knocked off, which adds to the excitement of how she reacts.
3. I found the conversation between Ahsoka and Baylan about Anakin to be quite intriguing. It was interesting to hear Baylan mention that he was one of the few who lived to see what Anakin had become. I’m eagerly anticipating the scenes in which Hayden Christensen will be portraying Anakin Skywalker once again.
4. Here’s a clearer version with corrected spelling, grammar, and punctuation:4. The story ends nicely as Ahsoka wakes up in the World Between Worlds. Anakin Skywalker appears before her, in his full Revenge of the Sith appearance, complete with long hair and black costume. I’m excited to see what kind of dialogue will occur between the two of them in next week’s episode.
What I Disliked
1. Although the scene was great, Marrok being undead was disappointing considering the build-up. I really liked the idea of a surviving Inquisitor. The fact he was just Nightsister magic just felt lazy.
2. Sabine is well aware of the challenges she faces. She’s fighting against dark side users, and one of them has already injured her by putting a saber through her belly. Despite the danger, she willingly hands over the map to Baylan, and I find this concerning. Regardless of her connection to Ezra, Sabine understands the consequences of Thrawn’s return for the entire galaxy. While I have a positive opinion of Sabine, I think her decision in this instance is driven by selfish motivations.
Favorite Moment
Ahsoka and Baylan engage in an intense duel, which is incredibly entertaining to witness. The acrobatics and pace of the fight remind me of the prequel duels. At one point, Ahsoka becomes aggressive, throwing Shin against a rock and knocking her out, when she mistakenly believes that Sabine is dead. However, Sabine’s brief hesitation moments after gives Baylan the chance to knock Ahsoka off the cliff, ultimately leading to her defeat.
Standout Character
It was a tough call, but Baylan really stood out this week. His portrayal of a former Jedi who has turned to the dark side is exceptionally well done once again. I love the way he maintains a stoic demeanor while fighting and deflecting blaster shots with ease. Although I am still heartbroken over Ray’s departure, his performance in this episode serves as a testament to his incredible talent.
The episode was packed with action, but unfortunately, it fell flat in terms of character development due to some poor writing decisions. Although the action was executed flawlessly, the majority of the episode seemed dull, with only a few exceptions. As a huge Star Wars fan, it’s always difficult to criticize a project, but this episode didn’t meet my expectations.
Rating 7.6/10

The Review
Story - 7
Action - 10
Characters - 4
Entertainment - 7
Quality - 10
The episode was packed with action, but unfortunately, it fell flat in terms of character development due to some poor writing decisions. Although the action was executed flawlessly, the majority of the episode seemed dull, with only a few exceptions. As a huge Star Wars fan, it's always difficult to criticize a project, but this episode didn't meet my expectations.