Season 1 Episode 11 – “A fugitive once more, Cassian must make his next move before it is too late.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. This show does a fantastic job of giving a voice to Droids. Yes, we’ve had great Droids like R2 and C3PO but other than R2 and BB-8 we haven’t truly seen a Droid have feelings and emotions as we have with this droid that was looking after Cassian’s mother.
2. Bix is still a prisoner of the Empire. She’s still being tortured and interrogated. She looks, sounds, and feels like a shell of her former self. You can see just how much she’s gone through in the short amount of time she has been a prisoner.
3. The universe within the Star Wars galaxy will forever blow my mind with just how much villainy there is. Using the funeral of an old woman just to capture Cassian is so disgusting but this is what makes the Star Wars galaxy it is.
4. The character development that Saw has got throughout multiple episodes of The Clone Wars, games, Rogue One, and now Andor is simply amazing. Season 1 of Andor is like 5 years before Rogue One, we see Saw walking fast, younger, and more intact. What happens between this moment and Rogue One where we see him mentally unstable, having to use a machine to breathe, and more is simply interesting.
What I Disliked
We had no explanation, no scene, or anything as to what happened to Kino from the last episode. I hope this series at least touches on what happened to him.
Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would be the Empire using their tractor beam on Luthren. He’s trying everything to get rid of the tractor beam, and the Empire is trying its best to get on board. They even go as far as to send some TIE fighters at Luthren. I love seeing Luthren use his pilot skills as well as his ship’s abilities to get rid of the TIE fighters. The visuals for the ships, space, and everything along those natures are insane.
Standout Character
I would give this to Luthren this week. It was an absolute blast seeing him take down TIE fighters and actually take the fight to the Empire rather than be in the shadows.
Overall a solid episode. The story is becoming more interesting by the second. The action in this week’s episode was fairly decent, the space battle between Luthren and the Empire was visually stunning. I hope we get answers for Kino in next week’s episode.
Rating: 9.2/10

The Review
Story - 8
Action - 10
Characters - 10
entertainment - 8
Quality - 10
Overall a solid episode. The story is becoming more interesting by the second. The action in this week's episode was fairly decent, the space battle between Luthren and the Empire was visually stunning. I hope we get answers for Kino in next week's episode.