Season 1 Episode 1 – “Cassian Andor’s reckless search for answers about his past makes him a wanted man”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. It’s not a significant thing but the opening title introduction is fantastic. The slow shadowy build-up to the “ANDOR” logo is such a great intro. 10/10 for a title card.
2. Andor can handle himself. He entered a bar to find his “sister”, two guards starting to bother him and try to steal money from him in an alley, he quickly dismantles both guards. Andor killed one of the guards, and the other one tries to plead with Andor but Andor straight up executes him. So we’ll see a ruthless and reckless Cassian Andor in this series compared to what we see in Rogue One.
3. You can get the feel of corruption, and everyone out for themselves in Star Wars during this time period that Andor is set. Even though two of his guards were murdered, the leader is still making a good guard change the story and put it as an accident. It is one of the things I love about Star Wars, it just doesn’t show you the “good side” it shows you the bad, the corrupt, the evil. It’s genius.
What I Disliked
The episode did die down towards the end of episode 1. What I mean by this was simply the story began to slow down to let the “thriller, spy” aspect of the show to come into play. While this isn’t a major dislike, it does make the list.
Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would simply be the flashbacks to Andor as a kid. It is honestly nice to have some of his backstory shown because we didn’t get that in Rogue One as that was about Jyn Erso. Seeing these flashbacks and seeing where Andor came from, and how he was with a bunch of other kids on a jungle-like planet is very interesting.
Standout Character
Andor takes the standout character in the first episode simply because of how “on-edge”, how reckless and brutal he is compared to Rogue One. In Rogue One while he was still this badass he did have a line where he wouldn’t cross, in this series we see him straight up execute someone.
A solid beginning to what seems to be a thriller-spy series set in the Star Wars universe. This first episode laid the groundwork for Cassian, how we will see his character be throughout the first season, and how he’ll grow into the Rogue One Cassian. The episode also creates different environments that we haven’t truly seen in Star Wars.
Rating: 8.8/10

The Review
Story - 8
Action - 7
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 9
Quality - 10
A solid beginning to what seems to be a thriller-spy series set in the Star Wars universe. This first episode laid the groundwork for Cassian, how we will see his character be throughout the first season, and how he'll grow into the Rogue One Cassian. The episode also creates different environments that we haven't truly seen in Star Wars.