Season 1 Episode 2 – “Cassian attempts to lay low on Ferriz as agents of the law close in.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. The story surrounding Cassian is very fascinating. His backstory is still full of questions to be asked. We’re slowly diving into the backstory and his family life. We’re seeing his sister and now his mother. It’s super interesting and more than I expected. I thought we’d get little tidbits of information about him but seeing all of this play out is great. It’s great that this character that we got in Rogue One, we knew a little bit but I am glad it’s just expanding now. Diego Luna suits this character so well.
2. Another like for me is the fact that we’re exploring other worlds. In the past couple of years, Tatooine has been at the forefront of Star Wars in a few projects. The Book of Boba Fett was set purely on Tatooine, The Mandalorian has countless episodes on Tatooine. So it’s nice to explore new worlds.
3. It’s also very fascinating to see some scenes from the point-of-view of another law service in the galaxy. At this time the Empire is the reigning “police” force, they have taken control of hundreds of planets so to see another law service in action is decent. While they may be controlled by the Empire in the long run, it is very different. It could have easily been Stormtroopers.
What I Disliked
Lack of action is a major feature in this second episode, however, as the story is progressing both present-day and the past in flashbacks, I’m fine with the lack of action. I still have to give this a dislike though. It’s only fair.
Favorite Moment
The favorite moment of the episode is a young Cassian seeing the person I want to say he admires, maybes loves get hurt but someone shooting her. Seeing the group of children use a blowing dart technique was different and had an Ewok vibe to it.
Standout Character
I’m going to have to give this to Andor again. Simply because he had the most scenes, especially in the flashbacks.
Episode 2 had a lackluster action scene, however, the story did do well at giving the viewers two different stories, one in the present day, and one in the past. Seeing both of them side by side is very interesting to see how Cassian has expanded as a person. Episode 2 was definitely a slow burner so strap yourself in for this.
Rating: 8.2/10

The Review
Story - 8
Action - 5
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 8
Quality - 10
Episode 2 had a lackluster action scene, however, the story did do well at giving the viewers two different stories, one in the present day, and one in the past. Seeing both of them side by side is very interesting to see how Cassian has expanded as a person. Episode 2 was definitely a slow burner so strap yourself in for this.