
Andor “Episode 3” Review

Season 1 Episode 3 – “Cassian’s desperation to avoid arrest leads him to a mysterious man with unknown connections.”

Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!

What I Liked

1. The way the flashbacks are interloping with present-day scenes is really well done. The quick transitions back and forth are executed really well. I love the way they are connecting the two stories.

2. Cassian’s explanation of how he stole the Imperial box is very accurate to previous infiltrations of the Empire. You simply walk in and act as if you belong. We’ve seen this countless times in The Mandalorian and Star Wars Rebels. The Rebels team used to do it regularly and always ended up in a fight but 99% of the time won.

3. The entire town is pretty much against the law, they are all making noise to allow Andor to escape and to war against him. The law has taken positions to trap Cassian and the buyer in the town. Cassian, being the street-wise person that he is, easily gets the drop on the leader of the law enforcement.

4. No matter what the scenario is, no matter the world, no matter the series, in this time period in Star Wars, the beginning, the early stages of the Rebel Alliance are there. The Rebel Alliance is slowly building, slowly becoming the beacon of light that is in the movies. It didn’t happen overnight, it took years to build, years to survive. This is exactly why the Rebel Alliance is what it is… determination, strength, and more importantly, hope.


What I Disliked

Nothing to report in the third episode.

Favorite Moment

My favorite moment of this episode would be Cassian and the mysterious buyer getting into a shoot-out with the law enforcement that is here to arrest Cassian. The mysterious buyer wants Cassian to fight the Empire for real. I think this is the man who gets Cassian into the Rebel Alliance.

Standout Character

I’ll give this to Andor again. He showed his determination to sell the item he had, and how he had trust issues with the mystery buyer, but eventually worked together to survive and escape.


A fantastic third episode. The action ramped up at the end of the episode with a city under siege looking for Andor. The storytelling and the seemingless transitions between present-day and the flashbacks were fantastic.

Rating: 9.8/10

The Review

Story - 9
Action - 10
Characters - 10
entertainment - 10
Quality - 10



A fantastic third episode. The action ramped up at the end of the episode with a city under siege looking for Andor. The storytelling and the seemingless transitions between present-day and the flashbacks were fantastic.


Phil Weaver

27 years old. One of the co-founders and Directors of Only Comic Universe. Specialising in comic book source material, especially DC.

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