Season 8 Episode 8 “Stuck in the Vanishing Point, the Paragons search for a way to escape; Oliver reveals that he has become something else; the origin stories for The Monitor and Anti-Monitor are revealed.”
What I Liked?
1. We get to see the origins of The Monitor in detail and his planet and we also get to see his wife who was conducting the experiment with him. The Monitor travels from Planet Maltus to the dawn of time which his presence being there causes the anti-matter to start change and he gets teleported to the anti-universe and face to face with the Anti-Monitor.
2. The paragons being the last ones left in the entire multiverse is taken a toll on them… you can see how its affecting them with the paragons being a broken image of their normal selves. Barry returns to them after months of being away inside the speedforce.
Oliver who has now become Spectre appears and tells the paragons that the speedforce is the key to saving everyone. Spectre unlocks Barry’s full potential to take everyone into the speedforce but the Anti-Monitor attacks and causes everyone to get separated inside of the speedforce.
3. We get to see Spectre use his powers to keep everyone from falling out of the speedforce and into the anti-matter so Barry runs around to find everyone. He travels to different points in the Arrowverse like when Sara died in Arrow, The Oliver/Kara scene in the Invasion crossover and then to the Elseworlds crossover. Barry also meets a unexpected person… queue the favourite moment.
4. While Kara, Ryan and Lex travel to Planet Maltus to try to stop the monitor, Lex has given himself powers by using the book of destiny so he knocks both Kara and Ryan out and goes and finds the Monitor. This episode really showed how smart and brilliantly minded Lex truly is.
Lex and Kara get into a fight while Ryan gets through to The Monitor and makes him change his mind.
5. The paragons hold the line while Spectre faces off with The Anti-Monitor. Oliver uses his powers to nearly beat the Anti-Monitor so the paragons help Oliver and this causes Spectre to beat the Anti-Monitor… Barry and Sara tell Oliver he did it while Spectre has brought back the worlds destroyed. Oliver Queen died once again.
What I Disliked?
Nothing to report.
Favourite Moment
Throughout the episode there was a few scenes which become my favourite but the best scene of the episode was Barry meeting the DCEU Barry (Ezra Miller) they both introduced themselves as Barry Allen, both admired each others suits and Barry even gave the DCEU Barry the name of The Flash. This moment was unexpected and it was crazy to see. Both Flashes suited being next to each other.
Standout Character
Surprisingly even though I hated the design… I have to give this to Oliver/Spectre. He held everyone in the speedforce, he brought back the multiverse and even unlocked Barry’s full potential.
The Verdict
An incredible part 4 of the crossover… I did not think they could top the first 3 parts but they smashed this out of the park from great scenes to dialogue to an fantastic unexpected cameo by Ezra Miller’s Flash.