Season 8 Episode 10 “The final events in the story of the Green Arrow.”
What I Liked
01. Well, the first like came quick. It showed us back to season 2 when Slade is just about to kill Moria. However, in this one, Oliver manages to escape and take Slade down. It is kind of nice to see how it would have played out if Oliver had of actually managed to save Moria.
02. Seeing the flashbacks makes me want to go back to season 1. Also the documentary shots from Team Arrow really shows how much Oliver did during his years with the hood.
03. Rags returns this episode, it’s about time. Although I never understood why he was never brought back, especially considering it was promised multiple times he would be back. It’s great to see him back, especially suited up. Thea and Felicity are also back for this episode.
04. The scene Oliver is just destroying people one by one makes me miss the way the show used to be. This entire scene was incredible.
05. Thea and Roy finally get engaged. This I really like, purely because it’s been a couple that’s always had great chemistry through the entire lifespan of Arrow. It’s a nice ending for the pair.
06. After YEARS of speculation of Diggle being a Green Lantern, finally happened when some form of meteor hit him as he was moving. This is fantastic! Could we see John in the new HBO Max Green Lantern show?! I would certainly love to see it.
07. I’ve never been a big fan of Olicity, in fact I have been one of the biggest critics for it. However, more importantly I’m glad they ended it the way that they did. It gave the happy ending both characters deserve. In retrospect everything they’ve been through, it’s nice to see them close the door on the series like that.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report.
Favourite Moment
Seeing everyone return for the funeral was a beautiful touch. Even Barry, and Kara made an appearance. I think everyone who was friends with Oliver throughout the entire series turned up, even Emiko surprisingly.
Standout Character
I shouldn’t, but I am going to have to give this to Oliver. Just one more time. Through reasoning his fight scenes this episode were incredible, and although the majority was flashbacks, it just makes me sad that this is finally it.
A great way to end the show. Incredibly sad, I say sad, it was just dust getting in my eyes. A good send off, and bravo to the CW getting everyone back for the funeral. It brought that sense of closeness to the show we’ve all watched and loved. I am devastated the show is ending, I became a huge Green Arrow fan in general because of it. Somehow, some way, I hope in future crossovers Stephen Amell does make an appearance. That’s it, that’s the final Arrow review I will ever write. I know it’s only a TV show, but it is emotional when you’ve attached yourself to it for 8 years.
Thank you to the CW, and everyone involved with Arrow. The show has had it’s ups and downs, but the show never missed a step. A massive thank you to Stephen Amell, for giving so much love to the character, and for giving the character a new direction from the comics. It’s been an amazing eight years.