Season 8 Episode 7 “Oliver’s mission takes him to Lian Yu, where he tries to ignore the repercussions of the looming crisis until he receives help from an old friend; a united Team Arrow faces a recognizable villain.”
What I Liked
1. Oliver finally opens up to Mia, and William that when the Crisis happens, he doesn’t survive. It’s a tear jerking moment, especially when you really just want Oliver to survive, but you know it’s not going to happen.
2. Yao Fei returns this week as they’re on Lian Yu. This was a much better return than Edward Fyers.
3. After the plane is shot down carrying Dinah, Renee, and Roy. They all end up crashed. Dinah seems relatively okay, Renee’s injured but will live, however Roy is not in a good spot. With his arm crushed, and trapped. The only option they have is amputation. Connor follows through with the amputation, it’s a good scene so it goes on here, but I didn’t like the idea they made Roy armless.
4. William speaking sense in to Mia was one of the best scenes of the episode so far. The scene was fairly emotional, more importantly he finally stood his ground with her.
5. The entire fight scene against Fyers’ men was incredible. The slow motion effects used during certain parts made it even better. The suspense was real, especially when they began to lose the fight.
6. The scene between Oliver, and William near the end of the episode. Well, someone was cutting onions again.
7. Oliver, and John now. Dust got in my eyes that part though.
8. As much as Mia was a nuisance this episode, another emotional scene following from Oliver’s conversations with both John, and William. He has another one with Mia. Now, joking aside. It really gets emotional, especially because you know the series is coming to an end.

What I Disliked
1. Is that Mia whinging again? Oh, of course it is! Seriously?! Just as her character was getting some solid progression, they take several steps backwards. I said it in a previous review, they really need to change up her character, otherwise this spin off show will hold no interest to me whatsoever. She changed up near the end of the episode, but she still has a long way to go.
2. Edward Fyers is the “recognisable villain” this episode? What a disappointment. He was perhaps the most forgettable villain of the entire series in my opinion.
3. Well, Fyers, and Yao’s returns were the most pointless of the season so far. They held next to no baring to the story whatsoever this episode. Most returns so far have had an impact, both of these really didn’t.
Favourite Moment
At the very end of the episode, Lyla shows up as Harbinger and explains to Oliver, and Mia the Crisis is here. It’s literally so close now!
Standout Character
Roy. Not in a fictional sense, but because of how Colton acted during the entire scenes he was injured. Incredible acting, and Colton really is a superstar when it comes down to the Arrow series.
Another great episode essentially on Crisis eve. Next week, it’s all built up to this. It showed great scenes, and stories from season 1. Whether or not it built them in a great way, the relationships between these characters have came such a long way – and that deserves all the praise this episode.
Rating 8.7/10