Well, we’re finally here. It’s Monday. Spoilers are now free-for-all. Saying that, this review will include multiple spoilers so if you’re here, and you haven’t saw the movie yet, please click off…
Let’s go.
To put it lightly, where the hell do I start? There was so many moments, I went through a rollercoaster of emotions throughout the 3 hours runtime. Because so much happened, I think I will bullet point my favourite moments and go from there. I may miss some, but we would love to see what your thoughts are of Endgame, and what your favourite moments were.
Some of my Favourite Moments; (in no particular order)
- Captain America finally wielding the Mjolnir and using it against Thanos in the final battle.
- Watching all of our heroes return through Dr. Strange’s portals.
- Spider-Man’s insta kill (we saw this was a thing in Homecoming).
- Professor Hulk.
- Pepper properly donning an Iron Man suit.
- Thor killing Thanos near the beginning.
- “America’s Ass”.
- The moment Tony gets the chance to speak to his father.
- The end battle.
- Some people feel in the end battle the woman closing in felt forced, as a man, I actually loved it.
- Wanda finally getting the chance to go 1 on 1 with Thanos.
Some of the Saddest Moments; (in no particular order)
- Iron Man dying after using the gauntlet to disappear the Chitauri, this was the moment I cried the most. Even at the end, Happy asking Tony’s daughter what she wants to eat, she replies with cheeseburgers. The emotion on Happy’s face had me in tears.
- Captain America living his life, and passing the shield on to Sam (Falcon).
- Hawkeye and Black Widow battling on Vormir. Both battle to sacrifice themselves, and ultimately we see Clint try and save Natasha from falling, but she pushes herself off the cliff and sacrifices herself.
- When Scott returns from the Quantum Realm he goes to find his daughter, he does. This had me early on, just because I understand.
- Thor returning to his mother in 2014.

To be honest, people ask me quite often what I thought of the movie. I always reply with the same response. “It was everything we needed”. It really was though, that’s the thing, there’s no denying Endgame is a theatrical masterpiece on every single level. One moment I was laughing, next I was crying, then the next I was ready to dive out my seat with pure hype, and excitement.
The movie brought everything, and it included everyone. Granted some roles smaller than others. This movie was in the making since Iron Man 1, everything has been building since then, even when we first saw Thanos in Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 1. I saw the movie twice, I had to. I have a terrible bladder so I missed a couple key points the first time, and made it up for that on the second. Truth is, it’s a movie I could watch over and over again. It’s on for 3 hours but the first time I went to the restroom it had been an hour and a half since it started, it never felt that long either, although it was.
I remember driving home with my fiancee after watching the movie from the first time, we just sat silent in the car. We couldn’t even speak to each other, because after Tony’s and Cap’s exit, I felt a huge hole in my life. I became a nerd after Iron Man 1 and Captain America: The First Avenger. Knowing going forward these two heroes more than likely won’t brace our universe anymore, it upset me more than the movie did. These are the guys that have gave us so many years of entertainment, and ultimately because of them, we branched out and got heroes we would have never dreamed of 15 years ago.
I cannot stress this enough, Endgame was perfect. It really was. Personally, for me, it’s the best movie I have ever saw, period. I’m worried going forward with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it’s Disney and I know they have future tricks up their sleeves. I guess I’m just scared of change. Endgame was the perfect ending to 11 years, and 22 movies. The Russo brothers are exceptional, and they will go down in history as making one of the greatest masterpieces to ever embrace our lives.
I have said masterpiece multiple times throughout this, because that’s exactly what it is. If you haven’t saw this yet, and are not even interested in the MCU. My fiancee wasn’t, until I made her watch the roadmap to the MCU starting with Iron Man 1, now she’s hooked. She cried a lot during this. It’s worth the watch. It’s worth investing time in, because at the end of it all, it’s the most entertaining universe to ever be created.
Rating 10/10