Season 3 Episode 13 – Batwoman and a panicked Bat Team must race against the clock as Marquis’ nefarious plan balloons into something Gotham would never have suspected; a final stand-off between brother and sister puts Ryan’s life — and new love — on the line.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I love how Jada is helping the team by any means necessary. After learning Luke was only able to work from his phone, she imaged what his Father would’ve said to her, and how he’d tell her she can’t let his son work that way. Even after supplying him with the tech she sticks around to help out and I love it. It’s crazy how we started this season expecting to hate this woman and she’s turning out to be pretty amazing.
2. Jesus I knew Marquis was crazy but I didn’t think he’d go to the levels of destroying the city with acid bombs. This guy just has me so on edge. After Jada goes to the press about Marquis killing his father and getting Ryan her job back as CEO of Wayne Enterprises I’m literally nervous to see how he retaliates, what an actor.
3. I’m not sure I can find the words for that fight scene between Ryan and Marquis on the Bat Blimp but I’m gonna have to try. How insane was that. Not even just the fight, the reaction from Ryan begging for her brother back really got to me. Throwing punch after punch asking for Marquis back was brutal. Just for a split second you think it’s working but it’s just a ploy as he throws her out the window.
4. I love that Alice chose not to use the buzzer despite having the option too. She chose to fight for herself, rather than take the easy way out, which is definitely best for her. Alice’s brain isn’t damage like she thinks, just manipulated in ways that as viewers we can’t even imagine. I hope to see Alice’s character keep progressing, she has never failed throughout her entire 2 seasons of this show to keep us entertained.
5. Honestly I did not expect the joy buzzer to work on Marquis but when he wakes up is such an emotional moment, his first words are “Hi Mom”, which really hit me when I realized that “Marquis” hasn’t actually seen his mam since being hit with the joy buzzer, from that day “Marquis” has been gone, but now he’s back.
6. I really do hope this isn’t the end for Alice, even if she comes back as Beth I can live with that. As Mary reads her note saying she is away to find herself we see Alice/Beth walking away from Gotham, with her original Brunette hair. I’m so here for it. Alice has had probably the best character development out of everyone. She has kept us on our toes every minute of the way.
7. As the finale comes to an end we see two reporters around the site where the blimp exploded. The report was cut short as we see another villain enter the city, killing them both. This villain is non other than Blight, who we know is a major villain of Terry McGinnis’ Batman in Batman Beyond. It’s safe to say we’re hoping Season 4 is in the works as we’re looking forward to seeing this villain on our screens once again!
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
Mary visiting Alice in Arkham was absolutely heartbreaking. The acting from both actresses throughout this scene was literally phenomenal. I’ve never felt so much emotion coming from my TV from a show. Alice tries to shock herself with a socket wrench as Mary walks in hoping to cure herself until Mary stops her. Alice screaming to Mary, begging her to save her was just such a powerful scene!
Standout Character
Alice was easily the number one standout in this episode. Whilst I feel like every character shined in their own, Alice had 3 very powerful scenes, especially the beginning. That acting ability where she fell apart to Mary in Arkham was astonishingly good to the point you felt everything, it was so powerful.
Batwoman has a very surprisingly impressive season and the finale was no different. The episode captured everything it built throughout the entire season then made it work right at the end with doors opening on all sides. The major impressive thing for me was how they handled each character, more so Alice and Marquis after being so fantastic during the entire season.
Rating 10/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
Batwoman has a very surprisingly impressive season and the finale was no different. The episode captured everything it built throughout the entire season then made it work right at the end with doors opening on all sides. The major impressive thing for me was how they handled each character, more so Alice and Marquis after being so fantastic during the entire season.