Season 2 Episode 15 – As Luke Fox’s life hangs in the balance, repercussions from the devastating event are the catalyst for some life-changing decisions for those around him.
What I Liked
1. An intense opening scene as we see Luke rushed into hospital as he slips into a coma from the gunshot wounds. As we go further into the scene Luke dreams about his dad, Lucius Fox, and Bruce Wayne. Could this be a hint that Bruce is dead?
2. As much as I hate Taveroff, hating a bad guy just means they’re a great actor. It must be tough to play a role on such a sensitive subject these days, well played to him!
3. While I didn’t want the Desert Rose to play a part in Luke’s return, I have to appreciate the scene that came with it.
4. Jacob Kane is finally bouncing back and I’m so pleased! After standing up to Taveroff he clears Luke’s name and disbands the crows effective immediately! I hope he can become a strong character for this program again!
5. Alice has told Jacob about Kate being alive! I’m so glad somebody else knows but I hope he believes her. I would love to see them build a new relationship as father and daughter.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
FINALLY, a fight scene I can honestly say was great between Ryan and a few of the crows. It didn’t feel scripted, it didn’t feel forced. It felt like it just naturally came to her character. That’s honestly the first time I can say I’ve felt that way!
Standout Character
After a long stint of being a pretty irritating character, Jacob Kane finally lands back on his feet and is taking our standout this week! Disbanding the Crows was a pretty huge move for him considering he was their leader and I hope this is making way for him to become a great character once again!
An amazing episode this week! I loved the stand it took against Racism and Police brutality. It really highlighted things that actually do happen in day-to-day life. Some of us may not see it but it’s there and it happens, that’s what makes episodes like this so powerful.
Rating 9.9/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 10
Action - 9.5
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
An amazing episode this week! I loved the stand it took against Racism and Police brutality. It really highlighted things that actually do happen in day-to-day life. Some of us may not see it but it’s there and it happens, that’s what makes episodes like this so powerful.