Season 2 Episode 11 – With Batwoman and The Crows each hot on the trail of the False Face Society, their efforts collide, and tension escalates. Alice seeks out Enigma, and Sophie and Ryan find some common ground.
What I Liked
1. Finally a decent scene for Angelique at the beginning of the episode, as she is taken by Black Mask. This guy is so sinister which we see more of as he holds Angelique head inches away from snakebite. A good intense scene to start with!
2. Sophie has again been amazing this episode! I love seeing her work independently and not just as part of the Crows.
3. Finally Alice and Ocean have their memories back from their time on Corianna together. I hope that’s it in regards to their relationship because the constantly trying to kill each other is getting old.
4. The fighting scene between Batwoman and Black Mask was actually a decent one which, to be honest, is nice to say! The action in this show has been slacking pretty hard and that fight was what we would like to see more of!
What I Disliked
I’ve said many times Alice is my favourite character in this episode, but most of her scenes this episode have been so boring. We get it she wants to forget Kate, at this point can someone just make her so she stops going on about it.
Favourite Moment
Well, it took some time but Sophie finally knows Ryan is Batwoman. I am pleased about this because I’ve enjoyed seeing Sophie somewhat working alongside the team, and honestly I kinda wish she knew back when Kate was Batwoman.
Standout Character
Standout this week is going to Sophie! She has been an incredibly strong character this season and with every episode, I like her a little bit more. She’s been amazing working away from the Crows and kinda doing her own thing with a little help of course.
A better episode than most this week! Apart from a minor dislike, everything else in the episode was strong. Even the action, which we haven’t been able to say in a while.
Rating 8.4/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 8.5
Action - 7
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 9
A better episode than most this week! Apart from a minor dislike, everything else in the episode was strong. Even the action, which we haven’t been able to say in a while.