Season 3 Episode 11 – Just when it seems things can’t get worse — Batwoman’s identity is once again at risk of being exposed; some of Gotham’s most villainous unite; Sophie joins Luke on a mission; Alice gets into Mary’s head.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Love having Marquis back on our screens. I still stand by my point when I said I believe he has the potential to be the best villain this show has seen yet. His similarities to The Joker are uncanny; his mannerisms, the mind games, everything about him really does scream villain and it’s brilliant. It seems his first mission after waking up is giving funds to Arkham and starting a Work Release Programme, now which could be very interesting since he’s just paid a visit to no other than Victor Zsasz.
2. Victor Zsasz has not even been back on our screens for more than a minute and he’s already killed a security guard and is holding Ryan and Jada at gunpoint.
3. That scene between Ryan and Jada was definitely needed. Well played to both actresses as I truly felt the emotion throughout that.
4. Loving the small details throughout this episode, seeing The Joker’s old workshop is a nice touch.
5. That took a turn quickly, Even though she’s a fictional character well-played Kiki Roulette, she very much had he fooled. I did not see that double-cross coming. The fight scenes to follow were impressive from everyone on the team, but more so Luke, his suit is really coming along nicely and I’m glad to see him using it to his advantage.
6. Very interesting take on Alice I never thought we’d ever see a time of her no longer wanting to be “Alice”. Honestly, I’ve been quite happy with her characters arc and her working alongside the team but it makes sense that over time she doesn’t want to carry the burdens of Alice anymore. The more interesting thing is that she wants the Joy Buzzer to try and fix herself, with Mary’s help.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
Let’s take a minute to talk about that fight scene between Ryan and Victor. The spontaneity from Ryan was amazing, seeing her without her suit and managing to dominate Victor Zsasz within seconds was a huge thing for Ryan as I don’t think we’ve ever seen her fight without her suit. On top of all this Jada finally finds out the truth about her daughter and her reaction was brilliant.
Standout Character
Gotta give the standout to Ryan this week. Brilliant scenes from her throughout this episode. Her emotional scenes with Jada and her fight scenes were on top form, especially seeing her take down Victor Zsasz without her suit which I feel was a pretty powerful moment for her character.
Another amazing episode this week, the show is going down a very dark path and I’m loving it. All these Iconic villains making their way back to our screens has definitely been fun to see and I’m looking forward to seeing a new character take on the role of The Joker.
Rating 10/10
Promo For Next Episode
The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
Another amazing episode this week, the show is going down a very dark path and I’m loving it. All these Iconic villains making their way back to our screens has definitely been fun to see and I’m looking forward to seeing a new character take on the role of The Joker.