Season 2 Episode 6 – As Ryan Wilder’s kryptonite wound grows more severe, it hinders Batwoman’s ability to protect Gotham; Alice’s reunion with a fellow Coryana inhabitant presents unexpected complications.
What I Liked
1. A clinic is trying desperately to replicate the antidote that was released to the public by Alice, the first scene was pretty graphic as they show one of their experiments gone wrong on an 84-year-old man. As he dies a pretty gruesome death in the chair.
2. Alice believes she and Ocean were both caught on the island trying to steal the Desert Rose and they both had their memories wiped from their time together.
3. Ryan’s blood came back from the lab, which revealed that there is radioactivity coming from her blood. We later find out that the Kryptonite is killing her, but very slowly and painfully.
4. Mary and Jacob are being held in Mary’s underground clinic which has now been exposed to Jacob. A mental patient named Aaron is trying to get the cure from Mary so that Doctors can try to cure him. The acting throughout this scene is incredible from all three of them.
5. Finally a somewhat decent fight scene towards the end. As Jacob managed to break free just on time as Aaron was trying to kill Mary, he manages to delay him, giving just enough time for Ryan to show up. The fight although it didn’t last too long, was at least enough to impress me. The fight wasn’t the end of it though as a Gun is pointed at Sophie’s head, forcing Ryan to hand over the map to “the doctors”.
6. I’m glad we are finally seeing some advancement in the story regarding the Kryptonite injury that Ryan sustained.
What I Disliked
1. Okay so the first fight scene from Ryan was ruined by yet again the injury caused by the Kryptonite that is embedded in her chest, the fight was cut short and this has happened so many times it’s getting a bit irritating. We are six episodes in and still no indication of where this storyline is headed.
2. Ryan’s girlfriend for me is quite boring. I’m not interested in her character, I keep forgetting her name which is enough for me to say I don’t find her relevant in any of this.
Favourite Moment
Although what may seem like a small moment, Luke finally finding out about the Kryptonite was my favourite moment. It took a while but you could see once he found out what she’d been dealing with, he had a lot more respect for her.
Standout Character
I’m going to give this weeks standout to Mary. Mary has been through a lot and it’s not really acknowledged that fact. Her mam died, her sister is missing, and Jacob is always too focused on everything else without realising how rough Mary truly has it. She’s dealing with so much between trying to find Kate, helping to train Ryan and also working in her clinic trying to figure out how to replicate the cure.
Not the worst episode, but also not the best. The entertainment from the storyline kept this episode afloat, but we need to see some improvement from characters and better action scenes.
Rating 8.6/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 9
Action - 8
Characters - 8.5
Entertainment - 9
Not the worst episode, but also not the best. The entertainment from the storyline kept this episode afloat, but we need to see some improvement from characters and better action scenes.