Season 2 Episode 4 – As Batwoman attempts to fight the proliferation of Snake Bite through Gotham, a random encounter forces her to revisit her painful past; Ryan Wilder is determined to ensure others like her don’t go unnoticed.
What I Liked
1. When Ryan goes on a search for a missing boy, she comes across a comic stand showing a Green Lantern comic, is this based on that reality or written? Who knows, but a good subtle Easter Egg there.
2. We find out more information about Ryan’s past, as she believes a young boy named Kevin was taken at a comic stand and is being brainwashed, she believes this because the same thing happened to her.
3. The story of Ryan’s kidnapping when she was younger is very interesting. The “Candy Lady” is quite a different turn. As she returns to confront her kidnapper and set Kevin free, Ryan is knocked unconscious by two men and the Candy Lady.
4. Is it weird that I’m kinda loving Alice and Sophie working together? Alice is such a complex character and I swear sometimes she forgets to be evil and starts babbling on about “baguettes” instead.
5. Pretty brutal scene between Ryan and the Candy Lady after Ryan breaks free. After throwing her down the stairs demanding answers to where Kevin is, she throws multiple punches, eventually knocking her out. I know we have a lot of fight scenes in these kinda shows, but this felt more “street fight” if you will. Ryan certainly had a lot of emotion behind each of those punches.
6. Someone tries to convince Jacob they have information on Kate, however as it turns out they are there for some other purpose, and as Jacob is taken out, the young boy Kevin is standing behind him.
What I Disliked
So this bullet bound that’s in Ryan’s chest is clearly affecting her in multiple ways, but I cannot understand why she hasn’t mentioned anything. This happened in episode 1, and it seems to be dragging its feet a little too much, to be honest.
Favourite Moment
The Candy Lady turned out to be a bigger villain than first anticipated. Her workmen were ordered by her to Kill Jacob Kane, and Kevin was the one asked to do it. Right on cue, Ryan appears and we finally get a great action scene with her and Jacob working together to take them out. The last one standing is, of course, Kevin, pointing a gun towards them, luckily he is talked down by Ryan, who knew exactly how he felt.
Standout Character
This week standout is going to Ryan, her backstory with the Candy Lady was very fascinating and it was great to see some real emotion from her when it came to the confrontation.
A different episode from usual, everyone was off doing different things, but certainly entertaining. The storyline for Ryan was very intriguing and I loved Sophie and Alice working together to find Kate.
Rating 9.4/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 9.5
Action - 8.5
Characters - 9.5
Entertainment - 10
A different episode from usual, everyone was off doing different things, but certainly entertaining. The storyline for Ryan was very intriguing and I loved Sophie and Alice working together to find Kate.