Season 2 Episode 13 – When Sophie must face a foe from her rookie days with The Crows, Ryan, Mary and Luke are also pulled into the villain’s game; the tables turn on Alice when she finds herself in dire circumstances; Jacob continues to revisit the past.
What I Liked
1. A decent fight scene right at the beginning which is nice to say since we don’t get to very often! I’m not saying we’ve never had a decent fight scene ever but never really the opening fight of the episode.
2. Honestly Alice’s scene where she’s calling her dad broke my heart. It was like his second chance to save her and bring her home. Hearing her refer to herself as Beth, and calling him Daddy really struck me. A very short scene that had a lot of feeling behind it.
3. Loving the Trio of Ryan, Sophie, and Mary. I’m glad Sophie is standing up for herself against Ryan. Sophie has proved many times that she can be trusted and shouldn’t have to keep justifying herself! Sophie has really made up for season one where I’m not going to lie, I wasn’t her biggest fan.
4. I can see this is kinda a filler episode, which usually I’m not a fan of but the writers did well with this one! The villain was quite sadistic and entertaining and Ryan, Mary, and Sophie working together have brought them much closer together as a team.
What I Disliked
1. Ryan needs to get over the “I hate the crows” crap. It’s doing my head in. In the process of Sophie trying to save her life over and over again, she’s still being bitchy towards her. Honestly, I’m so glad Sophie has stuck up for herself and Mary had her back. I hope this is the end of that now.
2. The story of Jacob Kane and his snake bite addiction is soooo boring. Like it’s not even sticking with me as a viewer. It’s like they don’t mention him or show him most of the episode then you see a little snippet of him injecting himself, or in the case of this episode, he overdosed. Either go somewhere with this story or end it.
Favourite Moment
You have our father’s eyes” I was concerned this storyline of Kate Kane’s return was going to be a slow one, but Alice knew the moment she looked into her eyes that was her sister. What an intense way to end the episode, and I’m yet again excited for next week!
Standout Character
Sophie is taking standout yet again this week! Honestly, her character has made a massive impact this season and she is certainly becoming a favorite of mine! Rather than forcing Ryan to trust her, she made sure she gained it the right way. I knew there’d be a reason for her not outing Ryan as Batwoman, and that reason is the perfect one. Her character has progressed so well, and I hope she stays part of the team.
An amazing episode this week! Great progression in Kate Kane’s storyline, a better bond between Ryan and Sophie, and a villain who was quite different from the usual! We already can’t wait for next week’s episode!
Rating 8.8/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 9
Action - 7.5
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 9.5
An amazing episode this week! Great progression in Kate Kane’s storyline, a better bond between Ryan and Sophie, and a villain who was quite different from the usual! We already can’t wait for next week's episode!