Season 2 Episode 12 – Ryan is faced with a difficult decision that could expose her as Batwoman; Black Mask’s plans for Kate Kane begin to unfold; Alice is reunited with someone from her past; Sophie must decide where her loyalty lies.
What I Liked
1. What a start to this episode! What a way to bring back Kate Kane! They’ve gone down the face-swapping route and had her memory wiped by Enigma. The moment I saw her sitting in that chair I got so excited for this episode straight away. I can’t wait to see what Wallis Day can bring to this story!
2. How on earth does Alice convince every single person to work with her? How can a woman who has killed people’s families and friends be so charming? Honestly, it makes me laugh every single time she manages to pull it off. First Julia, then Sophie and now Ryan, it’s great.
3. The scenes between Ryan and Alice have been hilarious, between sharing relationship advice to snarky remarks made towards one another, honestly, I’m loving the two working together!
4. The fight scene was incredible between Ryan and Kate. Obviously, Kate is far more trained so we knew she’d kinda take that with ease. This may have been the case if Alice hadn’t stepped in and saved Ryan.
5. I would like to point out that the action was vastly different this week. It felt smoother, and more transitioned than it has previously. We’ve often had our fair share of digs towards the action in Batwoman, but I believe going forward it’s going to keep getting better. Bravo to the stunt team this week especially.
What I Disliked
1. We know what Alice did to Ryan’s Mam, we know that is obviously going to make her despise her. But when Alice was pleading for her life just moments after saving Ryan, I honestly was so annoyed she just walked away grinning. It’s hard because I can understand the anger towards her, but this was a dick move.
2. Jacob didn’t get kidnapped or knocked out this week? Well, that’s great, however, he’s a junkie now. The leader of an elite task force that’s worth millions. I don’t like the way Jacob has been written this season at all, he’s been one of the worst parts of the show for a few weeks now.
Favourite Moment
It’s hard to pinpoint a specific moment out of all the scenes with Ryan and Alice, so I’m just going to have to give that pairing the favorite moment in general. Up until the end that was, but together they were hilarious. It’s great how much they clash yet mix well at the same time.
Standout Character
Ryan Wilder herself this week. She surprised me a lot. The way she left Alice was cold, the acting, the fighting, she was just on another level this week. I’m finally gaining glimpses of hope that she can only go one way after this week, and that’s up. Amazing.
An amazing episode this week! We knew Wallis Day was coming in as Kate Kate since the news was released, but what unexpected timing! At the beginning of the episode as well? Usually, a bomb like that would drop right at the end. I’m very impressed with this week and I can honestly say I’m excited to watch the next episode.
Rating 9/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 9
Action - 8.5
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 9.5
An amazing episode this week! We knew Wallis Day was coming in as Kate Kate since the news was released, but what unexpected timing! At the beginning of the episode aswell? Usually a bomb like that would drop right at the end. I’m very impressed with this week and I can honestly say I’m excited to watch the next episode.