Season 2 Episode 7 – As Ryan’s condition worsens, she questions Batwoman’s “no killing” code when she realizes the opportunity to avenge her mother is slipping away; Tatiana fills in the gaps for Alice about her time on Coryana and her history with Ocean.
What I Liked
1. As Alice holds Tatiana captive she gets her to fill in the blanks of her time with Ocean. I love finding out more about Alice’s past, who she was, who she became and how she got to where she is now.
2. The crows have discovered Garnick industries, the company that has been trying to replicate the desert rose cure and killing people in the process.
3. “I found my mother’s head in a freezer if you’re going to try and shock me you’re going to have to do better than that.” What a charming line therefrom Alice, it gave me a little laugh, and as evil, as Alice can be, things like that give us a big reminder of what she has been through.
4. The fight scene between Alice and Ryan was actually a good one, on Alice’s part anyways. What we didn’t realise was during this scene, Ryan placed a tracker in Alice’s boot so that the team can follow her to Coryana.
What I Disliked
1. Well what I thought was going to be good turned into bad just for the simple fact of it being short-lived and honestly quite unbearable to watch. As the Kryptonite goes to Ryan’s brain, she goes to Angelique, wanting to know where Ocean is. It takes a matter of seconds before Angelique throws her off the balcony and Ryan is taken back by Mary and Luke.
2. Ryan at this point is fully aware of the Bat code and yet still insists she is going to kill Alice. Honestly, it’s repetitive, they’ve gone over this and it still reverts back. Not only that but once again she’s talked down to Mary and this has been quite an often occurrence.
3. This episode has been mostly boring. Apart from Alice’s story, nothing more has happened that has actually intrigued me.
Favourite Moment
So this was a big revelation for me as Alice is my favourite character. Alice was going to start a new life with Ocean, and forget everything that had happened. But instead of this happening, Safiyah hypnotised Alice, to carry out her revenge on the rest of her family. Everything that happened, everything she did and the obsession with getting revenge on her family, was all because she was hypnotised.
Standout Character
As you can probably already tell by what has been written above, this week is going to Alice. Her story is getting more and more interesting. I never get bored of her, she’s a very complex villain as I can’t help but love her character.
Dare I say it but honestly, Alice is carrying this show at this point. The only parts I liked about this episode revolved around Alice. Her character continues to intrigue us and in every episode, we find out that little bit more.
Rating 6.5/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 5
Action - 8
Characters - 6
Entertainment - 7
Dare I say it but honestly, Alice is carrying this show at this point. The only parts I liked about this episode revolved around Alice. Her character continues to intrigue us and in every episode, we find out that little bit more.