Season 2 Episode 17 – Batwoman struggles as Black Mask continues to raise the stakes; Alice and Safiyah cross paths once again.
What I Liked
1. Alice and Mary’s scene together was so powerful! After seeing what Alice did to Mary’s mother we can only imagine how hard that must’ve been to give her any form of compassion. Both of these actresses are incredible and delivered a very emotional scene!
2. Wallis Day though!! Honestly watching makes me somewhat annoyed that they didn’t bring her in sooner! What an amazing Kate Kane she is, completely suits the role and is totally nailing it!
3. I suppose you do have to feel sorry for Ryan, I’m not the biggest fan of the character I have to be totally honest. I just never grew keen on the character of Ryan Wilder. However, she has gotten used to being Batwoman for Gotham City and it must be hard with Kate now being back and feeling shut out.
4. Have to appreciate the character development of Alice. The emotion she brings to the show from being so heartless and cold is a great change! We’ve seen her vulnerable, weak, and completely broken. I always appreciate her character because she’s so complex and hard to understand, but as the show continues she becomes more relatable.
5. Another great fight scene although slightly different between Kate and Ryan! You get so used to seeing weapons and fancy suits you forget what good old-fashioned fistfights look like!
6. Kate has taken back what was once hers! But this time the suit isn’t being used for the good of the city. Honestly, even though she’s the enemy right now I’m excited to see Wallis Day in the suit.
7. Judging by the end of that episode with Black Mask and Taveroff I’m going to assume they are turning Taveroff into Bane 2, that’ll be such a great move for this show, we need a big villain like that to come on the scene, even if it’s not the actual Bane we know.
What I Disliked
1. Saffiyah and her obsession with the desert rose is becoming a right snooze fest. We get it, she loved her magic plants, move on now, please.
2. I’m not sure how this is going to play out but I was kinda hoping Kate wasn’t playing them. I don’t know why but it was just nice to see her with the team again, I guess I just missed the aspect of her being part of the Bat Team.
Favourite Moment
What an insaaaane fight scene from Ryan! Not only does she tell her Parole officer that she is Batwoman, she then goes on to save her life after corrupt police officers pull a gun on her! The scene was absolutely incredible, there’s nothing I love more in this show than a good fight scene, mainly because it lacked so much of them at the beginning of the season.
Standout Character
I don’t give this character too much credit usually but I have to appreciate her performance in this episode! Ryan Wilder is taking the standout this week! While I’ve never fully been a fan of the character, you do have to feel for her. She has given her all to portraying Batwoman and almost the moment Kate returns she’s put on the back burner. But she handled the situation well, all of her fight scenes were outstanding this episode, for me this episode she did kinda prove me wrong!
An incredible episode this week! Every character impressed me, every fight scene impressed me, and the storyline just keeps getting more interesting as we go on! I hope this season continues to do well to make up for a rocky start!
Rating 9.6/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 9.5
Action - 10
Characters - 9.5
Entertainment - 9.5
An incredible episode this week! Every character impressed me, every fight scene impressed me, and the storyline just keeps getting more interesting as we go on! I hope this season continues to do well to make up for a rocky start!