Coming into this review, I did not expect the news that we received yesterday, Ruby Rose will not be reprising her role for season 2. CW have announced they will recast. You can see more here.
Getting down to the season, I think most people I spoke to agree when we mention that the season had a fairly slow start. Granted, we see Kate suit up very early on, but the villain of the season in Alice took a while to truly understand.
However, what made the season great is that almost every episode improved. The acting got better, the story progressed in a solid pace that was easy to follow after that initial couple of episodes, and slowly but surely, the show became a powerhouse to the CW.
Ratings were decent enough, it was held higher than Supergirl, Legends, and Black Lightning, but of course, fell short to The Flash. I agree with that, and as the show hit the final 10 episodes, it became the most excitable show for me to watch. Every episode became explosive, and I became more excited to watch each episode.
Ruby Rose and the show itself received monumental hatred before it aired, but I do believe any criticism, or worries were mostly gone by the time the second or third episode had hit. One of my main issues with Batwoman is, it’s difficult to have the Bat legacy but have none of the Bat legacy involved. Bruce is missing, no Robins, no sidekicks, nothing.
I do like how they strayed away from the usual Batman story, in this one, he actually killed the Joker. Kate also managed to kill August, so I did actually like that CW made risky moves with the show.
All in all, I enjoyed it. I’m still a bit disappointed that Ruby has decided to quit the show, but I do look forward to seeing where the CW can actually take this. Especially now Bruce Wayne is cast.
Standouts have to go to Rachel Skarsten, who played Alice above anything else. She played her role incredible, and Alice really became a villain you loved as the show went on. Ruby Rose also deserves this, as yes at the beginning it felt a bit choppy, but again, something that improved with the season.
I do feel like we should have seen more from Luke, he got an ark when it came to finding out who killed his father but besides that, and for the most part, he became quite irritating on-screen. Besides the annoyance, I do believe Luke played a pivotal role.
Mostly, the characters did exceptionally well. They all fit into the story, and all had somewhat of a connection to the main ark, and Alice. Also, a big special shoutout to Dougray Scott who played Jacob Kane.
Favourite Episode
For me, it was definitely the finale. It had a lot to shout about, and you go through multiple emotions during the episode. Not to mention the eventual Bruce Wayne casting at the very end. Mouse is dead, Alice is still set out for revenge, and Supergirl is mentioned throughout. It was a fantastic end to a great season.
Episodes & Their Ratings
Episode 1: Pilot – 9.8/10
Episode 2: The Rabbit Hole – 8.9/10
Episode 3: Down Down Down – 8.7/10
Episode 4: Who Are You – 5.2/10
Episode 5: Mine Is A Long And A Sad Tale – 9/10
Episode 6: I’ll Be Judge, I’ll Be Jury – 7/10
Episode 7: Tell Me The Truth – 8.2/10
Episode 8: A Mad Tea-Party – 8.9/10
Episode 9: Crisis On Infinite Earths Part 2 – 10/10
Episode 10: How Queer Is Everything Today! – 9.2/10
Episode 11: An Un-Birthday Present – 8.5/10
Episode 12: Take Your Choice – 8/10
Episode 13: Drink Me – 9/10
Episode 14: Grinning From Ear To Ear – 9.3/10
Episode 15: Off With Her Head – 10/10
Episode 16: Through The Looking-Glass – 9/10
Episode 17: A Narrow Escape – 9.2/10
Episode 18: If You Believe in Me, I’ll Believe in You – 9/10
Episode 19: A Secret Kept From All The Rest – 7.3/10
Episode 20: O’Mouse – 9.8/10
Average rating – 8.7/10
Our Overall Rating 8.7/10
The average absolutely reflects the average. I only rated it below a 9 due to the slow start the show had. After that, it did pick up and got better after every episode.
Does It Deserve Another Season?
Absolutely. The tease at the end of the finale deserves that alone. However, now that Ruby has left the role it does change things a lot. At the moment I’m on the fence, but I am intrigued to see what the CW do with it.