I really do not understand how a show went from the brink of the worst show to exist on The CW, to be one of the strongest seasons The CW has seen when it comes to the Arrowverse.
Batwoman featured two massive villains in Poison Ivy and the first-ever black Joker. Both of those villains slotted into the story perfectly. This also gives the villains a better chance to shine now The CW has moved Batwoman over to a 13 episode series as opposed to the usual 23. This meant fewer filler episodes and more time to get to the actual story itself.
For me personally, I believe the show got better because it stopped focusing on Kate Kane. Even last season when Ryan Wilder was introduced, she was constantly outshined by Kate Kane due to Ruby Rose’s shock exit at the end of season 1. This season Ryan Wilder (played by Javicia Leslie) had a proper chance to shine because the show actually focused on our star character.
Unfortunately, Batwoman’s live TV ratings never fully recovered with an average of 458k according to tvseriesfinale.com. I do understand people’s hesitant stance with the season due to the state of last season but all I can advise to those who give up after season 2 is to give this season a chance.
Each section of the story didn’t feel wasted. It felt like the writers really wanted to make sure that each episode left an impact whilst also getting you excited for the next episode. Out of the amount of Batwoman episodes I’ve watched, it was really only this season that got me excited for the next episode and that says something.
Overall the current season was fantastic. Everybody from the cast, the writers, to the executives, should be proud of themselves for what they managed to achieve with this. I really hope it lasts.
I think what I enjoyed the most about this season was the fact the characters weren’t overdone like they have been in previous seasons. They kind of kept the numbers smaller. This allowed for each character to make an impact in a major way. The fact that Mary became Poison Ivy for a while and did a damn good job at it was impressive. This would have never been possible in prior seasons.

I’ve talked about Ryan, Marquis and the fully-fledged Poison Ivy but even Sophie this season took a better story on. She becomes romantically involved with Ryan which in hindsight was a long time coming, I’m still glad it happened.
Luke is still learning and training to become a better Batwing and you get glimpses of brilliance throughout. Alice was as perfect as always. Jade Jet was a brilliant introduction. Finally, John Diggle showing up mid-season was great too. This was pretty much it besides the villains. I preferred this. I hate it when an Arrowverse show becomes too cluttered like Arrow did in the final seasons. It makes sense to keep the circle small. It’s nice to have new characters join the fold, don’t get me wrong, they just need to make sure it doesn’t go overboard because this was perfect.
Standout Character
For me, it was Marquis Jet. The Joker. I was skeptical when he was cast as the first-ever black Joker but Nick Creegan absolutely smashed it. From his introduction, the backstory, the current story, his tactics, brutality, unpredictability it’s everything we needed from a Joker. A phenomenal performance from Nick.
Favourite Episode
For me, the finale smashed it. I really was expecting some major things from that episode and it truly did deliver. With Marquis Jet threatening to destroy Gotham in such a genius way, it was definitely safe to say it was an intense ending to the season. Reaching a top 10/10 which is fairly common for a finale but Batwoman did entertain like hell here.
Worst Episode
I would say episode 3’s Antifreeze. I chose this episode because despite the other 12 episodes being really good, this one fell short. It wasn’t like it was a horrible episode, just kind of like a nothing happened episode if that makes sense. Writing the review was tough for that episode trying to find good points and even bad points too. Definitely a forgettable episode.
Episodes & Their Ratings
Episode 1: Mad as a Hatter – 7.3
Episode 2: Loose Tooth – 8.4
Episode 3: Freeze – 9
Episode 4: Antifreeze – 6.8
Episode 5: A Lesson From Professor Pyg – 9.9
Episode 6: How Does Your Garden Grow? – 9.6
Episode 7: Pick Your Poison – 9.8
Episode 8: True Destiny – 9.6
Episode 9: Meet Your Maker – 10
Episode 10: Toxic – 10
Episode: 11: Broken Toys – 10
Episode: 12: We’re All Mad Here – 9.4
Episode: 13: Are We Having Fun Yet? – 10
Average rating – 9.2/10
Our Overall Rating 9.4/10
Reaching an average of 9.2 and a higher overall is something I will honestly say I never expected Batwoman to get. I really did expect this season to just go downhill but instead, it continued to surprise me, continued to deliver, and continued to be a very damn good show. A 9.4 is fair but I do genuinely believe if it wasn’t for the Antifreeze episode this could have been a lot closer to a 10/10 season.
Does It Deserve Another Season?
Batwoman’s season 4 hasn’t been announced yet which does worry me due to the low live ratings. However, it absolutely deserves another season. If they can keep up with what they have done for the last 13 episodes then I am all for it. I do hope season 4 is announced very soon.
Batwoman is available on The CW network in the USA, the UK is All 4 (the entire season is not available yet). The ability to watch the show is limited, if you have a question on how/where to watch it in your country legally, please contact us using our contact form by clicking here.
Season Trailer
The Review
Story - 9
Action - 7
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Episodes - 10
Antagonists - 9.5
Quality - 10
Reaching an average of 9.2 and a higher overall is something I will honestly say I never expected Batwoman to get. I really did expect this season to just go downhill but instead, it continued to surprise me, continued to deliver, and continued to be a very damn good show. A 9.4 is fair but I do genuinely believe if it wasn't for the Antifreeze episode this could have been a lot closer to a 10/10 season.