Season 1 Episode 2 “Jacob Kane and the Crows up the stakes; Kate continues to look to Bruce Wayne’s legacy for guidance as Luke Fox inadvertently gets pulled into Batwoman’s vigilante heroics; Sophie and Kate are forced to team up.”
What Was Good?
1. No beating around the bush with Kate. Straight up let’s her Father know she thinks Alice is Beth.
2. One of the many things that worried me during the trailers before the season aired, was the way they portrayed Batman. I know a few people that were put off by this. However the show is doing him justice. Luke Fox showing Kate just how powerful his gadgets are was great.
3. Wonder Woman name drop. We have never heard Wonder Woman name dropped in the CW shows, not that I can think of anyway.
4. This relationship between Alice, and Kate became incredibly interesting during this weeks episode. Twists, and turns throughout. I initially thought Beth was a terrible villain, but she’s becoming unpredictable and I like that.
5. Did anybody get The Shining reference? Bale played Batman, and he was in The Shining… never mind.
What Was Bad?
Some of the acting was pretty woeful this week. At certain points it really pulls you away from the show. I do have high hopes going forward.

Holy Shit Moment
1. As Alice is being transported, an explosion sends the van off a bridge. Kate goes in to save her, until shots hit another explosion which nearly rendered Batwoman, caught. It would have been nice to see how she got away, though.
2. It turns out Jacob had something to do with Beth’s ‘accident’. It never gave much more than he lied about the bone fragments from the crash. This is setting up to be a fantastic ark.
The Verdict
Another enjoyable episode. One of the things I enjoy most about this season, is that it’s not diving too much into the Bat mantle, instead we see more of Kate. The suit, gadgets, vehicles can all come later, and I am absolutely fine with that.