Season 3 Episode 10 – Batwoman’s hands are full as she juggles Jada’s demands, Mary’s ever-increasing power, and a new romantic entanglement; Batwoman races against the clock to once again save the city and those closest to her.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Mary started off this episode with a pretty graphic attack and I am so here for it. Mary was the sweetest character in this show so to be seen her pull off being a villain is so impressive from this actress.
2. Sophie and Alice together are possibly my favourite duo, despite their differences and Alice’s unpredictable ways they work brilliantly together and the two of them intimidating Renee was hilarious.
3. Nicole Kang is well and truly proving herself to be an absolutely incredible actress. Her own conflict as to whether she’s Mary or Poison Ivy is very well done as we still see her struggling between the two. Her scenes with Pam have been incredible as we go from them teaming up to Mary working alongside the team again to stop her.
4. I’m glad Renee is redeeming herself in this episode. I enjoyed her at the beginning of the Season and it felt like a bit of a kick when she betrayed them.
5. Marquis is awake and despite the fact this dude gives me the creeps I can’t wait to see what havoc he is going to bring for the rest of the season. Marquis has definitely been one of the bigger characters this season and I honestly think he has the potential to be the best villain Batwoman has had yet.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
Thank god for that fight scene because it was needed! Ryan and Luke both did amazingly throughout their scenes. Ryans fighting technique has massively improved and we definitely needed that moment for Luke in his suit and owning it. The team has literally not had the upper hand once throughout this season so I’m so so glad they did this time and stopped Poison Ivy in the process.
Standout Character
Mary is going to take the standout again this week. As I stated throughout my review Nicole Kang is an absolutely phenomenal actress and has played the role of Poison Ivy so well, which is weird considering her arc ended as her going against Poison Ivy.
Yet again an amazing episode for Batwoman this week. After a full 10 episodes, we finally see the team get the upper hand. While this might be the end of Poison Ivy I can’t wait to see what this is going to bring for Mary in the future as her memory of being Poison Ivy remains. More so I can’t wait to see what Marquis brings to our screens going forward.
Rating 10/10
Promo For Next Episode
The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
Yet again an amazing episode for Batwoman this week. After a full 10 episodes, we finally see the team get the upper hand. While this might be the end of Poison Ivy I can’t wait to see what this is going to bring for Mary in the future as her memory of being Poison Ivy remains. More so I can’t wait to see what Marquis brings to our screens going forward.