Season 3 Episode 8 – While Mary and Alice continue their sisterly bonding, Ryan, Luke and Sophie are desperate and willing to do almost anything to stop them; Renee is forced to revisit her heartbreaking past.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. A good opening scene as Batwoman returns to our screens. We go back ten years ago to see the original poison Ivy and her relationship with Renee Montoya.
2. Marquis is so dark and sadistic, I always feel so tense when he is on screen and that for me is when you know how great an actor truly is. His mannerisms are very similar to the joker, his scenes throughout the party were truly incredible.
3. Tracking down the old Poison Ivy has been quite interesting throughout this episode, alongside Renee’s flashbacks it’s been interesting to see how Renee stopped her and also them searching for Pam down in the lower tunnels beneath the cave.
4. A very interesting twist at the end of this episode as Renee has had an ulterior motive all along and wanted the team to lead her to her lost love, Pam/Poison Ivy. With Pam now awake I can not wait to see what next week’s episode has in store for us!
5. Seeing Poison Ivy in the state she was in was pretty dark I’m not going to lie. The graphics were done amazingly she truly did look as if the life had just been sucked out of her.
What I Disliked
So after Ryan, Sophie and Renee take out a group of people at this party, it’s clear not all of the men are unconscious, and yet they’ve just stood and opened a fake wall that leads to the Bat Cave right in front of them? Just seems ridiculous to me.
Favourite Moment
The standoff on the rooftop was yet again so intense! As Marquis holds a gun to Luke’s head and Ryan holds the syringe to Mary’s neck, things quickly take a turn when Marquis goes to pull the trigger, and Ryan is forced to inject him with the Syringe instead in a desperate bid to save Luke. With Marquis seemingly dying, Ryan calls Jada to come up with a way of fixing Marquis’ brain and fast. The graphics throughout this scene were amazing, Marquis looks completely zombified, and yet it looks so realistic.
Standout Character
I think Renee has to take standout for me this week. Very well played to the writers and the actress because I truly did not see that coming. Typically when something is off with a character you always have that slight feeling from the beginning but I really did not. What an amazing performance.
An amazing episode this week as Batwoman returns to our screens. The season started off amazing and I was hoping they would keep up with that after the small break and they certainly did. After last season I’m always skeptical when I know it’s time to watch this show but this season really has turned that around.
Rating 9.6/10
Promo For Next Episode
The Review
Story - 10
Action - 8
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 9.8
An amazing episode this week as Batwoman returns to our screens. The season started off amazing and I was hoping they would keep up with that after the small break and they certainly did. After last season I’m always sceptical when I know it’s time to watch this show but this season really has turned that around.