Season 2 Episode 1 “While Kate’s friends and family hold on to hope that Kate may still be found, a homeless 25-year-old named Ryan Wilder stumbles upon Kate’s batsuit.”
What I Liked
1. Ryan’s first scene was pretty intense and we already learn a little bit about her within the first 5 minutes. As a plane crashes down in front of her we see flashbacks from her past of her trying to save her mothers life. Meanwhile in the present Ryan finds Batwomans suit lying on the ground among all the wreckage.
2. Bruce Wayne is back, but not in the way you’d think, as Alice has given his face to Tommy Elliot. This role was played out so well, as he managed to fool many people including Luke.
3. Ryan has the suit and as she tries it on I can honestly say she looks incredible in the suit itself! I’m not going to comment on the mask as it was built for Kate, so we already knew it wasn’t going to look perfect. However suit aside we see her fight two guys out on the street, and although as expected her fighting techniques were a little bent out of shape (Not sure how to write swinging back and forth on a rope), we did get a good laugh, and she did throw some good moves at the end of it.
4. So we still have Alice kicking around and it’s hard to know how she feels regarding Kate being gone. All we know right now is she’s still as erratic and crazy as always, and we’re so here for it.
5. As it turns out Alice and her gang were responsible for the murder of Ryan’s mother. This is her reason for taking the suit, she wants revenge on Alice.
6. Alice breaks the news to her Dad that Kate is Batwoman. The scene was so heartbreaking as we watched the pain in Jacobs’s eyes as he faces the reality that he wanted his own daughter dead, and now his wish may have come true. Well played by both actors as this scene was heartbreaking for us viewers as we see the hurt coming from Jacob.
7. Pretty brutal scene as Tommy tries to kill Ryan, and we see the true anger in her as she punches him to the ground but doesn’t stop. One thing that has baffled us, viewers, Tommy shoots her with the Kryptonite, however, it doesn’t kill her, or seemingly even hurt her for very long…
8. As Ryan lays at night promising her Mother she will do good, we see her remove her bandage from where she was shot with Kryptonite. Although we aren’t sure what this means, the Kryptonite appeared to have entered into her body, and her body seems to be accepting it.
What I Disliked
1. Although the first scene was intense I did find it quite a boring way for Ryan to find Batwoman’s suit. Like let’s be realistic, are you really going to steal a suit from a plane crash when people are dead or dying around you?
2. The story of Bruce Wayne ended very quickly, we expected to see more of this, however with Tommy Elliot back in Arkham that seems unlikely.
Favourite Moment
Another heartbreaking scene as Jacob Kane shines the Bat-signal, only for nobody to show, making him face the truth that his daughter is Batwoman. At the very same time, Sophie opens a letter from Kate, telling her the truth about who she was. On top of this, we then find out who is responsible for the plane going down, as Alice opens a note which reads, “Now we are even, Safiyah.”
Standout Character
I was torn this week as there is multiple characters deserving of this very prestigious award, but I have to give it to Tommy AKA fake Bruce Wayne. He played an exceptional Bruce, and I was really impressed throughout the entire episode, even if it was a one-episode-hitter.
Very strong first episode, I had my doubts on how they were going to work this story, and of course, it is going to take some getting used to. However, Ryan played her role brilliantly and I’m glad Kate Kane still has a story to be told.
Rating 8.9/10
Next Week’s Promo
Story - 8.7
Action - 8
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 9
Very strong first episode, I had my doubts on how they were going to work this story, and of course, it is going to take some getting used to. However, Ryan played her role brilliantly and I’m glad Kate Kane still has a story to be told.