Season 3 Episode 12 “Jefferson and Anissa join forces with the ASA to help one of their own; Lynn is forced to continue battling her demons.”
What I Liked?
1. The Markovian’s have captured Lynn and is forcing her to help sedate the meta humans for the Markovian’s to use them in the war against the ASA. Lynn while she’s not having any drugs gets into a fight with Dr Jace until Lynn is electrocuted by the Markovian leader.
2. Jefferson mentions “The Outsiders” so while he’s officially part of the Justice League with the rest of the Arrowverse, could he be setting up the Outsiders in Freeland?
3. TC is trying to reprogram the chip inside of Khalil’s brain however while inside the chip TC see’s the “Painkiller program” which kicks him out. This scene was really interesting and could lead into a great story for Khalil going forward.
4. Jefferson tells the Major that whoever he picks to help out on this mission to go to Markovia and get Lynn stays off of the ASA radar and that they have full pardons. Finally starting to see the badass Black Lightning.
What I Disliked?
Jennifer’s attitude towards the people who are helping her and Khalil. It seems like having powers quickly goes to the Pierce families head. What of my major dislikes about the show.
Favourite Scene
TC finally finds the real and innocent Khalil in his brain. TC needs Jennifer to go inside his brain and get him out while using her powers as a firewall to hold back the Painkiller side of Khalil. Khalil manages to leave his room but Painkiller shows him who he has become, who he has killed and him killing his mom.
Standout Character
Khalil, this episode was a huge episode for his character. It feels like every season of the show we’ve had a really solid episode focused on Khalil and it’s been one of the best episodes for his character each time.
The Verdict
Fairly ok episode, wasn’t the best but by far not the worst episode. Khalil had a great scene and can not wait until we see what happens with this character going forward. I can not wait to see the shows version of the Outsiders.