Season 3 Episode 11 “Jefferson, Anissa and Jennifer discover that the ASA is now hunting the entire Pierce family. Meanwhile, Lynn does the unthinkable.”
What I Liked?
1. Jennifer comes clean to Jefferson about her having a secret phone to call Odell, the missions she went on for him and that she went to space. She tells him that him and Lynn would always make her feel like a monster who needs trapped away but Odell let her free. This was such a good scene between the two, we need more of this.
2. short but quick point… Odell is from Gotham?
3. A ASA soldier decides to turn against the ASA because of them killing kids. He goes and finds Lynn and decides to help her with her experiments and to break out Tobias.
4. TC shows Gambi who put out the order to kill him… none other than Lady Eve. Gambi still thinks she’s dead. I love how this connected back to season one.
5. Black Lightning and Thunder attack a ASA convoy which is protecting Odell. The two heroes manage to capture Odell and take him to a secret house to trick him into removing all the soldiers from Freeland.
6. Lynn breaks Tobias out of the ASA building where he’s being held. Tobias being Tobias tries to knock Lynn out by punching her in the face but she came up with a back up plan, she gave herself powers and knocks Tobias out with a single punch.
What I Disliked?
1. As much as Lynn is trying to help, her arc and story this season is just not interesting at all.
2. Just as I start to think Jennifer has finally learned and starts changing her attitude against her family she goes back to being how she was because Anissa and Jefferson kept the secret of Khalil being alive but under the ASA control.
Favourite Moment
The ASA and Khalil attack the building where the Pierce family is holding Odell, when Jennifer see’s Khalil or in this case Painkiller she decides to use her powers against her family causing their plan to go out the window and letting the ASA get Odell to safety.
Standout Character
Black Lightning because even though he was on the fine line of killing Odell, he managed to bring himself back to the light side.
The Verdict
Another bang average episode to be honest. After having such a great post crisis episode I don’t know what happened. Nothing major happened until the last 10 minutes.