Season 3 Episode 4 “Jefferson faces new challenges due to the shocking state of Freeland; Lynn finds herself under intense pressure as she desperately tries to find a solution to the continuing crisis in Freeland; Anissa continues her work at the clinic.”
What I Liked?
1. Jefferson is driving through Freeland with Jennifer coming to terms with just how bad things have gotten while he’s been getting tests done inside the ASA building. There is checkpoints, Armed militia and basically like a warzone. While this is new to Jefferson, Jennifer is accustomed to it.
2. ASA Odell sets Khalil another mission, this time to track and find the gang responsible for hijacking the ASA trucks with weapons on board. Khalil tracks the hijacked truck, with the injured soldier on board so Khalil finishes him off and sets off to find the gang.
Khalil finds the gang and captures the leader and tells him that he isn’t here to arrest him, he’s here to kill him.. He makes a gun with his hand and uses his power to kill him.
3. ASA Odell has been giving Lynn tastes of green light and making her slowly become addicted to it. He’s been putting it in her wine, food you name it.
What I Disliked?
1. Lynn slowly getting addicted to green light, even going as far as to not stay at home and would rather stay at the ASA Lab. Fair enough people need help but her family also needs her.
2. A ASA Major bursts into the police station, takes control of it and kicks out Chief Henderson. This later comes to bite the Major in the ass later on in the episode.
3. Throughout the episode we see Lynn has a lot of energy from the green light of course but we also see it affecting her when she’s slowly losing balance and becoming down from the high.
Favorite Moment?
1. Jefferson and Anyssa get into a heated argument about Blackbird wanting fame and using her powers to do so. This was a great scene to witness and reminded me of season one when Thunder first got her powers.
2. Blackbird and Black Lightning team up to free the prisoners in the police station with the help of Chief Henderson. Blackbird gets them across the barrier and out the way of the ASA.

The Verdict!
A 50/50 episode. Most of the episode was boring and it dragged. The only moments that saved the episode was Khalil and the Black Lightning and Blackbird team up. Everything else was below average.