Season 3 Episode 3 “When Lynn learns that Jefferson brokered a deal with Agent Odell without consulting her first, it begins to put a strain on their relationship; Anissa and Grace have an emotional encounter.”
What I Liked?
1. The episode starting off with Painkiller being asked a question.. How many martial arts he knows. Khalil lists out all the fight styles he’s mastered and there is 23 he’s mastered. He’s been fully made into a killing machine.
ASA Odell tells Painkiller to suit up for his next assignment, Khalil asks what he needs and Odell tells him he can bring every single weapon he can carry. Khalil asks Odell if he knows about killing someone with one hit when Khalil tells him he’s mastered that as well.
2. The ASA helicopter is pursuing Blackbird through the streets of Freeland until she picks up a tank and throws it at the chopper and it explodes.
3. Finally we get to see Jennifer using more of her powers when Odell tells her that the Markovian’s killed Khalil’s mother, so Jennifer flies to a Markovian base and blows it up.

What I Disliked?
1. Through the episode out of no where we got Chief Henderson in protective gear, we come to learn that there is a virus effecting the meta-humans. This felt like a side plot which could of been a episode in its own it felt it was pushed to the side plot with other stuff becoming the priority.
2. Tobias has been locked up in the ASA base for months now and since he can’t get his serum he needs to stay young, he’s aged rapidly. This feels like a waste of an excellent villain, I hope he escapes somehow and reeks havoc once again.
Favorite Moments
1. ASA Odell gives Jefferson a watch, he tells him to give it 10 volts of electricity and the watch manifests into a brand new updated suit for Black Lightning which looks absolutely incredible.
Black Lightning finally shows up in the show after 2 and a half episodes and it did not disappoint. He came in lightning blazing and takes out some Markovians and free’s some ASA commando’s.
2. Painkiller also takes out a safe house for Markovians, he is brutal, kills everyone in the house and i’m excited to see where he and his story goes this season.
The Verdict
Finally after 2 weak episode we finally get a strong episode. We finally get to see Black Lightning after 2 and a half episodes. Apart from that the action was great and the reveals of Jennifer using her powers to Jefferson’s new suit was great.