Season 4 Episode 2 “The war between the 100 and the Kobra Cartel rages on; Lynn continues to be concerned about Jefferson; Jennifer’s curiosity is piqued by a new boy at school.”
What I Liked?
1. Jefferson can not stop thinking about Henderson, He goes to the porch to get some air but gets angry and uses his lightning, shooting it up in the air, he then passes out and gets found in the morning by Lynn. This is a closed-off Jefferson, I like this side of him.
2. Tobias goes and finds Jefferson in front of the school, Jefferson uses his powers against Tobias but it doesn’t affect him at all, he then threatens to take everything and everyone Jefferson loves away from him.
3. Gambi is on a date with an old friend, he then infiltrates her workplace, Monovista International, he steals some information and then disappears from the building. Not sure what Gambi is doing this season but I like his side of the season better than Lynn’s.
4. Jefferson watches the CCTV footage of the shooting which resulted in the death of a kid. This brutal side of Jefferson comes out again, he finds the shooter, beats him up, and tells him to go to the police, he then snaps the shooter’s legs.

What I Disliked?
1. The family is still hiding secrets from each other, not talking to one another, it’s bad. I dislike this so much. It’s been like this for a couple of seasons, it is just annoying at this point.
2. Lynn was a huge dislike this episode, she’s a hypocrite, talks about Jefferson being addicted to his powers yet she’s the same, she’s not a meta-human, has no training, and is using meta-powers to go fight crime.
Favorite Moment
Jennifer using her powers stops an entire street-wide shoot-out from continuing, however, one shooter takes aim until Lynn arrives and uses “her” powers until she nearly gets shot and killed.
Standout Character
It’s got to be Jefferson again. Just a different side to him, darker, more brutal. It’s amazing.
The Verdict
Sadly another average episode again this week. Once again had its moments but overall it just lacked in entertainment, action, and story.
Rating: 7.3/10
Story - 6
Action - 7
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 7
Another average episode which was disappointing, to say the least.