Season 3 Episode 6 “Jefferson is torn between his loyalty to this family and his commitment to saving Freeland; Anissa’s commitment to Grace deepens; Jennifer makes an interesting discovery.”
What I Liked?
1. Anissa is recording a “goodbye” video for her family after dealing with the effects of the toxin that Painkiller hit her with. This was a nice touch and a different side to Anissa, she normally comes off as arrogant.
2. Chief Henderson will find a way to get a new voice of Freeland out there after their old voice was fished out the river. Henderson goes and recruits the woman who’s been reporting on the ASA all season.
3. Jennifer is searching into Brandon who she breaks into his apartment and finds coal, soils and plants, they get into a stand still with them both using their powers, he tells her that he’s not here for her or her family but he’s here to kill Dr. Jace.
4. Odell comes and speaks to Jefferson about their deal and Jefferson breaking it. Jefferson threatens Odell to which Odell laughs off. I seriously can not wait to see Jefferson use his lightning against Odell.
5. A meta named Instant teleports into a ASA soldier van and takes them all out so he and a Markovian leader can infiltrate the ASA building.. queue the favourite moment.
6. Gambi realizes that he’s seen the toxin inside of Anissa before and that it’s reminded him of Khalil so he goes to check Khalil’s grave. Finally someone actually thought about this.
What I Disliked?
1. Lynn is angry at Jefferson because he’s been going out as Black Lightning and doing something in the name of Tavon even though she has no right because she’s on Greenlight drugs and working for ASA the people who killed Tavon.
2. Anissa’s attitude towards Jefferson really made me mad.. I don’t think it’s necessary since she was the one who brought him back and has been letting her fame go to her head.
3. Lynn leaves Jefferson so she can continue working and taking greenlight at the ASA Labs. Lynn was straight up annoying and has been all season to be honest.
Favourite Moment
Odell thinks he has Instant and the Markovian leader trapped until the pair start shooting their way out, next time we see this scene the pair have wiped the entire soldiers presence out and have managed to shoot Odell and is about to finish him off when Black Lightning saves him.

Standout Character
Jefferson/Black Lightning because he was the only person level headed and he was more focused and more willing to be Black Lightning and go against the ASA.
The Verdict
Fairly ok episode.. Kind of want a change in storyline since this has been basically 3 season long now. I wish we could see more of Black Lightning. the Black Lightning family needs to come together and maybe they’d be able to do something to save Freeland.