Season 3 Episode 8 “Black Lightning goes up against the ASA; Tobias continues to manipulate Lynn.”
What I Liked?
1. We get to see just how powerful a military service like the ASA is, they’ve cut the entire Freeland city off from the rest of the USA and told the rest of the USA that they are under quarantine.
2. Tobias has dealt with the ASA for years now so he knows what they are truly like, he tells Lynn that even if she gives the meta’s a option to fight for the ASA or not that the ASA will give them no such choice but to be weapons for them.
3. Henderson comes to speak to Jefferson about them helping get their third grade teacher out of her apartment before the new Major throws her out. Jefferson goes to speak to Mrs Shepard but they tells him about the memories she has their which changes Jefferson’s mind.
4. Anissa is fully healed and back to her normal self, she goes to help her father but instead of going as Blackbird she brings Thunder back. Finally I was waiting to see the Thunder suit all season.
5. Thunder gets into a fight with Painkiller, since she’s still angry for Painkiller killing Tavon, she beats him up and punches him through a window but not before breaking his glasses and realizing that it’s Khalil.
What I Disliked?
1. While Black Lightning and Thunder are fighting the ASA which would of been on Freeland news channels, Jennifer didn’t know or even go to help Thunder or Black Lightning? Why are they keep the family apart?
2. Lynn has to sneak her way out of the ASA building but nearly gets caught because she dropped her bag which had greenlight in it. Lynn continues to be annoying.
3. I thought we would of got Black Lightning vs Major Williams because Williams is a meta who can copy other meta’s powers and he did with Black Lightning but they fight didn’t happen. This was such a let down for a strong episode.
Favorite Moment
After Mrs Shepard refused to leave her apartment Jefferson let’s Henderson know to get his people ready because Black Lightning attacks the ASA soldiers and will not let them take control of the building.
Standout Character
Black Lightning because he finally stood up and announced he was not on the side of the ASA and actually stood with the resistance of Freeland.
The Verdict
Probably my favourite and the strongest episode of this entire season.The dialogue to action to finally seeing Black Lightning and Thunder teaming up was great to see. Be glad when this occupation story arc is done.