Season 4 Episode 13 “After four seasons, the game-changing, relevant and electrifying series comes to an end.”
What I Liked?
1. Tobias lets the Pierce family think he truly has killed Jefferson, whereas Jefferson, badly beaten up has been buried alive by Tobias. While being buried alive, this gives Jefferson some time to think things through, stuff with Lynn, his kids, his life, and most importantly, his father, he speaks with his father and his father informs him that he’s the only one to stop Tobias, he just needs to find what he never has had and he’ll be able to finish what Tobias started.
2. We see JJ sneak away from the family, she heads up to “get more power” from the ionosphere, this is where she sees a big particle cloud that’s in the ionosphere, she pays no attention to it so she leaves and heads back down to Earth, this is where we see the particle cloud make a face of the previous Jennifer, the original Jennifer returns and heads straight for this new JJ, the two engage in a fight with it being revealed that JJ is just energy, that stole Jennifer’s DNA, memories, and wavelength, Jennifer uses her newfound power to absorb JJ.
3. After her fight with JJ, Jennifer finds the police chief in a standoff with Detective Shakur because she’s taking the cities power, Lightning lands and quickly dismantling the Police Chief and saves the police from being killed by her.
4. TC gets his powers back at the end of the episode, he goes inside of Khalil’s mind and speaks with Khalil and Painkiller, Painkiller wants to “whoop his ass”, but TC tells him that Tobias is dead and that he has a way to get the kill order removed, but it means having to forget the Pierce family and Jennifer, Khalil tells TC “I’ve always thought I’d give my life for Jennifer, I just didn’t think I’d have to forget her”, this was the perfect set up for Khalil’s own story but it’s a shame we won’t see it.
What I Disliked?
1. This new JJ is always power-hungry, even leaving when the family is needed together, she leaves, this is super annoying, lets her character development down a lot.
2. This Police Chief, immediately turning evil going after the cities’ power supply to go kill Lightning, was a weak story arc for her. We’ve seen it in multiple shows before. They could have gone a different way but choose the easy option.

Favorite Moment
Four seasons, in the show itself, over 20 years, the fight that has been in the making for years, Jefferson vs Tobias, Jefferson finally stands up to Tobias, doesn’t hold back his hits or anything towards Tobias, it’s basically a beat down from Jefferson with Tobias ending up being hit by lightning out the window and being impaled on a spike, and Jefferson delivering the final blow, killing Tobias.
Standout Character
Jefferson takes this, so much character development came to the finish line this episode, it was a perfect ending for this character, who will also appear on The Flash in the future.
The Verdict
Overall a really solid ending to Black Lightning. This final season has had its ups and downs but this episode delivered. So much character development in certain characters, the story was great and the action was superb.
Rating: 8.5/10
Photo: Black Lightning.
Story - 8
Action - 8
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 9
Overall a really solid ending to Black Lightning. This final season has had its ups and downs but this episode delivered. So much character development in certain characters, the story was great and the action was superb.