Season 4 Episode 10 “Black Lightning sends Gambi an SOS; Lynn finds herself in some serious trouble.”
What I Liked?
1. After the last time Jennifer fell out of the sky, Gambi has introduced a feature into everyone’s suit which in case of an emergency that they are falling from a height, that a bubble comes out and stops the impact. Ishmael is beating up Jefferson until he goes into stealth mode and beats Ishmael up but eventually retreats away from Ishmael. Grace saves Anissa from the speeding car.
2. Tobias is insanely smart, no wonder he managed to play the Pierce family so much. He’s created this machine to remove meta’s powers but has made inhibitor chips to have his men have their powers still. Tobias has been such a great villain.
3. Gambi finally gets confronted about using Lauren to steal from Monovista International. She confronts him at gunpoint, he tries to explain stuff to her but she’s not fully trusting him yet. I’m glad this has finally been revealed because it was slightly becoming annoying.
4. Jennifer has a smart idea, she basically blows the electricity in Anissa’s apartment to “jump-start” her powers, like a car. She tells Anissa to fully get her powers back she has to go into the atmosphere again. Anissa is not a fan of this idea and the sisters get into an argument over it.
5. We finally find out that Tobias isn’t working alone, people actually want him to be this important figure in Freeland. He is working for a board of mysterious people. I’m glad we are finding out more about him this season. It has been needed for a while.
What I Disliked?
1. Lynn and Anissa keeping a secret from Jefferson again, that Lynn got in contact with Anissa to get in contact with Lynn’s ex-boyfriend to come and be her lawyer? I swear, this family keeps so much important stuff from each other.
2. Jennifer’s plan while good, did leave some particles in the atmosphere, not sure what they could be but I do think they’ll either come back to bite her or be used later in the season. For now, this was one of my dislikes simply because this has been used so much this season. I’m tired of seeing her use the atmosphere for all of her problems.
Favorite Moment
Khalil is climbing through a vent to go break into a safe, when he’s there, the guards come running in and Khalil quickly changes to Painkiller who easily dismantles each guard and even toys with one at the end. I’m so glad Khalil is in this series, the action would be below average if it wasn’t for him.

Standout Character
I’ve got to give this to Jennifer, she was just the brains of this episode this week, especially actually using her knowledge to solve one of her problems.
The Verdict
A really solid episode if I have to say. This was surprising. While the episode lacked action and only had a couple of moments of action, it was enough to capture my attention. The story was decent, and the series continues to grow Khalil for his spinoff series.
Rating: 7.6/10
Photo: Black Lightning Season 4 Episode 10
Story - 7.5
Action - 7
Characters - 8
Entertainment - 8
A really solid episode if I have to say. This was surprising. While the episode lacked action and only had a couple of moments of action, it was enough to capture my attention. The story was decent, and the series continues to grow Khalil for his spinoff series.