Season 4 Episode 11 “Jefferson takes Khalil up on his offer to help. Meanwhile, Lynn finds herself wrestling with what could be the biggest decision of her life. Lastly, Tobias follows through on a hunch.”
What I Liked?
1. The episode begins with Lightning on a solo mission being overwatched by Anissa, she’s taking out some guards to steal a tub of metagenes, but while she’s on the mission, it’s clear that her powers are not working as they should. I liked this because while her plan worked, her powers are not normal yet.
2. We find out that Tobias is one step closer to completing the mission that he’s set out to do, he’s become the new Mayor of Freeland. We see that he’s working closely with the police force and even offers some meta boosters to her officers to fight metahumans easier.
3. Khalil finally speaks with Jefferson about his issue with Tobias. He mentions that he has a digital ledger that reveals who Tobias has been paying from the police, city officials, to barbers? He also mentions that someone called Looker is in charge of making people do stuff they don’t want to.
4. Jefferson meets Detective Shakur in a bar to explain to him that Tobias has set him and Lynn up and he can prove it, he also tells him that someone called Looker is a meta who can control people and he wants to give Detective Mason a cure to let him become normal again. Detective Shakur is hesitant at first but Jefferson mans up and tells him he’s Black Lightning, the two then give Detective Mason a drink with the cure in it and it works, he becomes normal again and tells Jefferson that he’ll repay him in any way he can.
5. It feels like Jennifer can not be happy with boyfriends, when she was with Khalil he got shot, lost himself, and ended up with Tobias, and eventually with his spine ripped out, now with Uriah she’s on a date when Tobias’s hitman, Red, makes his way to them firing metal balls at Jennifer, she uses her powers to protect herself and Uriah but unfortunately, Uriah gets hit and ends up dying.
What I Disliked?
For once, Lynn didn’t make this list, however, her lawyer did. I just do not trust this man at all, he’s a snake. I could be wrong but I just don’t have the right vibe with him.

Favorite Moment
Khalil goes and finds Looker, he has to fight a couple of metahumans who are under her control, but he easily makes his way through and then comes face to face with her. She then uses her powers to enter his mind in which she finds Khalil who then ends up fighting each other with Looker coming out on top until Painkiller walks in. Painkiller and Khalil work together to fight Looker, after a short fight, Painkiller uses his venom on her nearly killing her. I love the homage to Bruce Lee in this scene.
Standout Character
Jefferson was down about nothing having his powers and him thinking he wasn’t anything without them to then using his own will to help Detective Mason and then tell Detective Shakur he was Black Lightning.
The Verdict
Overall another solid episode for Black Lightning. The episode proved that Jefferson is a hero without his powers, The episode showcased how involved Tobias is. The episode then teased an epic future fight between Painkiller and Ishmael. The action was saved again by Khalil.
Rating: 7.5/10
Photo: Black Lightning.
Story - 7
Action - 7
Characters - 8
Entertainment - 8
Overall another solid episode for Black Lightning. The episode proved that Jefferson is a hero without his powers, The episode showcased how involved Tobias is. The episode then teased an epic future fight between Painkiller and Ishmael. The action was saved again by Khalil.