Season 4 Episode 8 “The FBI pays Jefferson a visit. Meanwhile, Anissa surprises Grace.”
What I Liked?
1. The Pierce family are having a surprise party to welcome Grace officially to the family for marrying Anissa, but the party is soon interrupted by some FBI agents who search the Pierce home and mess it up, apparently, Jefferson was embezzling money from the school he works at, this is all a plan created by Tobias.
2. While Tobias is going after Jefferson, he’s also potentially got something to do with the city going after Jefferson’s father’s home trying to tear it down to create a hospital. This is something Jefferson doesn’t want to happen because he says it’s more than emotional attachments to it, it was a beacon of hope because a black man actually owned something. I can see Jefferson’s reasons as to why he doesn’t want it gone.
3. Gambi is still using the woman who works for Monovista International to get some technology that will help him create new suits for Black Lightning, Thunder, and Lightning so they can have protection from the new weapons that the police have.
4. TC’s power stops working when he’s next to Gambi, Jefferson then tries his powers and it’s the same issue, the powers Gambi got injected with earlier have kicked in and it’s a power blocker. TC is also working with Khalil and his team to help fix Khalil’s mind. Khalil tells TC that Tobias will be doing it for money, that he’ll help fix this situation with Jefferson and the feds.
What I Disliked?
Once again, Lynn makes this section of the review. She’s an addict, she’s barely keeping it together by not taking any more powers, so she gets Gambi to start taking it? What if he gets addicted? This was a bad decision for a smart woman.

Favorite Moment
Blackbird and Grace get into a fight with Ishmael, he’s quickly getting the best of them and even gets a few major hits in on Blackbird. He gets kicked into some cabinets and then he flashbangs the two heroes and is about to kill Blackbird when Grace shapeshifts into a cheetah and attacks him causing him to retreat.
Standout Character
I have to give TC the standout this week. He was just helping everyone.
The Verdict
An average episode at best, this was a disappointing episode following the amazing Painkiller episode last week. This episode just felt completely different compared to that episode last week. The episode felt slow and uninteresting.
Rating: 6.9/10
Photo: Black Lightning Season 4 Episode 8
Story - 6
Action - 8
Characters - 7
Entertainment - 6.5
An average episode at best, this was a disappointing episode following the amazing Painkiller episode last week. This episode just felt completely different compared to that episode last week. The episode felt slow and uninteresting.