Season 3 Episode 15 “After learning that Gravedigger and the Markovians are coming to attack Freeland, the Pierce family prepares for war.”
What I Liked?
1. We find out more about Gravedigger and his backstory. We come to learn how he got the name and it’s about in the war the army would give the grave digging jobs to black people so everytime he kills someone he makes it his choice to give them a proper burial.
2. Khalil gets followed by a truck full of Markovian soldiers, they stop him and Khalil tries to fight them but he gets beaten down by them until the Painkiller side of him comes out and quickly kills the soldiers.
3. Lynn has been doing some research on Gravedigger, she learns that he is not only the first meta human but he’s also Jefferson’s great uncle. This comes as a shock to me, I don’t know much about the character so it’s nice to see the connection.
4. Jennifer goes after Gravedigger on her own. She finds him with some Markovian soldiers so she turns herself into a huge explosion and flies down and hits the ground dispatching of the soldiers except for Gravedigger. He throws her through the sky. Black Lightning saves her but has to restart her heart.
What I Disliked?
1. The episode was lackluster. It didn’t do much to keep me interested in the episode. I found myself scrolling through social media at a few parts in the episode.
2. Black Lightning vs Gravedigger are just about to fight until the episode ends. The only semi decent part ends just like that?

Favourite Moment
Seeing Khalil struggle with the Painkiller side of him. Painkiller tries to control Khalil so they fight and eventually the Painkiller side regains full control after he locks Khalil behind the firewall.
Standout Character
Gravedigger. His backstory as a whole is just purely interesting.
The Verdict
The episode it’s self was fairly boring. Didn’t do much to keep me invested in it however I did enjoy Khalils side of the episode and disappointed that the episode ended how it did.