According to the new Disney CEO, Bob Chapek via Deadline, Black Widow is still set for a cinematic release, despite the current pandemic still on a rampage.
The movie was supposed to be with us nearly a year ago now, but due to the Covid19 pandemic, the movie was delayed and delayed again which made of lot sense as cinemas were closed, and it also protects the public from the virus.
The movie is set for release on the 7th May 2021, which is now less than 3 months away from release. There still could be a motion in place that either a hybrid release for the movie or another potential delay.
We know Disney does purposefully shoot their movies for the cinematic experience and it makes sense, they want to push out the best product possible for the big screen.
However, in the UK alone over 15 million people have received their first Covid19 vaccine jab, and other countries programmes are well underway with hundreds of thousands of people being vaccinated every day, it’s cutting it close that’s for sure.
I for one wouldn’t mind a Disney+ style PPV, I’d buy it without any question but I’m a big cinema fan. I’d love nothing more than for my first cinema trip after this is all ending is to watch Black Widow, so in all honesty, I’d prefer this to go ahead.
It would also be great for cinemas as we know they’ve been hit incredibly hard with this pandemic. I mean, the last time I was at the cinema was Christmas Eve in 2019 to watch Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, which makes me sad inside as cinema is usually my escape from the real world.
I hope the vaccination programmes all around the world keep up their fantastic and wonderful efforts because if this keeps up the light will be closer than what we can see right now.