Welcome to our brand new series, where we look online for the most ridiculous comments and opinions we can find. Some comments may not seem ridiculous, but cause a storm among certain fan bases we’d just love to weigh in on. We take the comment, think about it, and try to justify it to see if the comment holds any form of value whatsoever.
We will not showcase who wrote these comments, only what the comment was, and also the context in which it was written if there was any.
Please note before we start. All of these comments are based on opinion, and ours are as well. This is just meant for fun, and not offend anyone, or meant to be serious in any way.
1. Iron Man 3 is better than Endgame (including a change my mind meme)
Can it be justified? No. It honestly can’t. Endgame was the pinnacle point for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and it’s the highest Box Office movie now of all time. Endgame is, and always will be far superior. Whilst Iron Man 3 showcased many different suits, these were, however, barely shown and mostly blown up which in turn made them look like an incredible waste of time. The story in comparison was very weak for Iron Man 3 also.
2. Sony failed Andrew Garfield
Can it be justified? Yes. In this instance, this comment can definitely be justified. Sony did in many ways fail Andrew. We’ve heard many reports that Andrew was vocal onset, questioning the story and was obviously upset when a lot of his favourite scenes were cut. Whilst I agree Andrew not showing for the AMS3 reveal event isn’t great, however, Andrew did amazing with the role. He was set for a third, and a Sinister Six spin-off was in the works alongside it. So yes, Sony did fail Andrew.
There are rumours (recently shut down) that Garfield will be set to return to the role. At the moment we’re unsure, but I would definitely love to see him suit up once more.
3. TITANS is terrible because Starfire isn’t orange
Can it be justified? No, it can’t. It’s a terrible comment because people don’t realise that when she uses her powers, which she’s still coming into them, she glows orange. It’s the way it is. You can’t exactly cast an orange alien, and using constant CGI could be a strain on the budget. You can’t really write off an entire show because you don’t like the appearance of one character.
4. Felicity Smoak ruined Arrow (change my mind meme, as always)
Can it be justified? Yes. The entire thing with Felicity took away the entire backstory for the Green Arrow. It rewrote 50 years+ of history, writing off iconic characters such as Black Canary in the way she’s meant to be. It became more of a soap opera at times, rather than a superhero show, taking season 4 and 5 into consideration here. I agree Felicity and Oliver had some strong moments, but ultimately this did make the show worse than the potential it had during seasons 1 and 2. A lot of the hardcore Green Arrow fan base wanted the comic lore, but the showrunners seemingly pandered to a very small and toxic fandom.
5. Harley Quinn is being overused in DC
Can it be justified? No. She’s not being overused. She’s not Batman. She’s come in, made money, and Margot Robbie has done exceptionally well and brought to the character to life. There is a huge hardcore fan base for Harley. Every movie she’s been in, she kind of needed to be in it. Birds of Prey was announced back when it was originally supposed to be Gotham City Sirens before changing to the Birds of Prey. Also, her appearances in the Suicide Squad were also necessary. She also has her own animated series which is a hit among fans and well-liked. The character deserves the spotlight, especially with Margot Robbie at the forefront.