It’s been over a year since I last created some controversy, that streak ends today.
I’ve been looking at different opinions and one that frequently pops up is that Captain America’s third film, Civil War was poor.
Complaints I see is that Cap was done dirty by having HIS third film basically Avengers 2.5. I’ve also heard other complaints such as the joke-filled airport battle, Cap lying, the diversion between sides, and many other complaints.
Truth is, for me, personally (and do remember, this is my own opinion), Civil War is one of the best Marvel movies. I absolutely loved every minute of it.
Yes, I agree this shouldn’t have been Captain America’s third movie. The character of Cap did deserve a full solo go-out, which makes sense, especially for Chris Evans who has brought the character to life on the big screen.
People complained about the diversion between the two teams when due to it being Cap’s movie, you technically should side with him. I loved this aspect. I loved the conversation as both sides had their relative points which made sense. It added immersion to the movie. It allowed you to pick a side based on your moral compass and what team you believed was more right than the other.
Plus, the airport fight was fantastic. Seeing the Avengers fight among themselves, and seeing who came out on top was brilliant. Learning Clint was pulling his punches, Cap making Spider-Man look like an amateur, Black Panther’s first introduction to a proper fight, and many others. It was one of the most entertaining battles in the MCU run in my opinion.
Moving on from the airport battle, we had a solid villain who has only been further developed thanks to Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Daniel Brühl feels like he was born to play Baron Zemo. In Civil War, people often forget that he is the actual villain – not the team you choose against when it comes to Iron Man and Captain America.
Zemo played more of a reserved role. Instead of fighting the Avengers head-on, he decided to spend his time and attention on making the Avengers fight amongst each other. He had the upper hand with the footage of Bucky Barnes being the man who killed Tony Stark’s parents. Cap knew this. This is why the fight re-erupts after the airport fight. I love this. I love the fact that Zemo didn’t throw a single punch at the Avengers but did more damage to the Avengers than both Loki and Ultron did combine to them.
He split them up, leading to the eventual defeat against Thanos in Infinity War. This was all led by Zemo, it all started with him. You could say it began with Ultron and Sokovia, but the break-up of the Avengers was more a result of Bucky killing Stark’s parents – the airport battle seemed to be sorting itself out after the fight before Tony was shown the footage by Zemo.
I’m usually not a person who likes political issues in superhero movies or shows, but I did like this aspect. General Ross put this brilliantly.
You’ve operated with unlimited power.
AdvertisementGeneral Ross – Captain America: Civil War
He isn’t wrong. If you had powers of some sort, you could do what you want. Iron Man was able to fly through no-fly zones and do what he wants with no consequences. It made sense for the accords to happen, especially with all the collateral damage and most likely, the number of deaths that have happened to civilians in all of these battles. This is why I was team Iron Man. As a civilian with a child, I’d rather a group with this amount of power be in check by the government.
Civil War covered a lot of basis and questions that arise through the MCU run. It also was the movie that blessed us with Chadwick Boseman’s Black Panther debut which was a phenomenal performance, cementing his place in history as one of the best Marvel introductions. We also got Tom Holland’s Spider-Man introduced for the first time. People may not like this as it takes away the spotlight from Cap, and to be fair, it did a little bit – but I absolutely loved it.
Then there’s the final fight which was so damn entertaining. We had Iron Man vs. Captain America & The Winter Soldier.
This is truly one of those fights where you have no idea where it’s going to go. You generally feel every single emotion from all 3 of these through the fight. All of them are fighting for their own reasons.
Iron Man is fighting for revenge.
Bucky is fighting for freedom.
Captain America is fighting for what he believes is right and protecting his friend.
Due to this, each of them is not just fighting each other, they’re fighting their emotions, resentment, and everything else. It’s also clear that they really want to, they deep down don’t want to kill each other. This was proven on Iron Man’s side when he used the unibeam to take Bucky’s primary weapon (his metal arm) out of the battle instead of trying to push that beam through his chest which would have killed him instantly.
Cap also had the perfect opportunity to kill Iron Man after Bucky distracted Tony for a brief moment, allowing Cap to get the upper hand. He decides not to kill him obviously but it was emotional. I don’t understand how people didn’t like this scene. I remember watching this in the movies and I didn’t know how to react throughout it. It was incredible. The Russo brothers did a wonderful job with all of this.
This is it. I didn’t know this would be an unpopular opinion. I thought this movie was generally favored but I’ve seen a fair amount of people say otherwise. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion of course. If you didn’t like the film that’s fine, I just wanted to give my reasons why I enjoyed it.
Let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below though. Did you enjoy it? Did you dislike it? Let me know why.