Season 2 episode 5 “Tyrone is faced with a hard decision when presented with an opportunity to clear his name; Tandy lets her anger get the best of her as she becomes frustrated with a possible dead end to her investigation into the sex trafficking ring.”
The Good & The Bad
The Good
1. Tyrone use’s the gun powder from the gun’s he stole from the gangs to make a symbol on the floor and wish he could find Connors and transport to him. We see Connors at the spot where he murdered tyrone’s older brother.
2. Tyrone and Brigid plan to do a heist on a “all men’s” club to get evidence to help free Tyrone and get him from off the run from the police. They break into the wine cellar and find out that there is no evidence.
3. Tandy goes off to find a lead and she infiltrates a “growhouse” where they are growing weed. We see her fight off 5 guys in the growhouse and then leave when she doesn’t find a lead. When she leaves the building she bumps into a friend from one of her meetings and her friend tasers her and kidnaps Tandy to be part of the sex trafficking ring.
The Bad
1. O’Reilly is still reeling from what happened in Season 1. She can’t aim her weapon properly, she’s missing her shots at a standing target in the firing range. She seems afraid and weak.
2. The strain that is on Tyrone & Tandy’s relationship. It seems like their always butting heads now and it’s completely different from where the Season 1 finale left off.

Holy Shit Moment
1. This episode we see Connors go to a hiding spot to pick up the gun he used to kill Tyrone’s brother then we see him get a saw where he used to saw a pipe to frame Tyrone. We see a showdown between the two but before any action can happen, Connors wants to help Tyrone put Connors behind bars. He wants to give Tyrone evidence and a confession because while he was in the dark dimension he had time to think.
2. Tyrone attacks Connors when the evidence wasn’t in the spot where Connors said it would be. We see Tyrone take Connors to the church and we see something happen with Tyrone’s abilities that show us the scales of justice. Tyrone then says he isn’t the one who can judge, the next shot of the episode is of Mayhem at a firing range… but Tyrone takes Connors to his mother who can judge him.
Another great episode, badass moments from both Cloak & Dagger. Connors is finally getting what he deserves. Incredible scenes throughout the episode.
Rating: 8/10