Season 2 episode 6 “Trapped, Tandy is forced to live out alternate “what if” versions of her life until she reveals the key to breaking her.”
The Good & The Bad
The Good
1. The episode starts off in a “what if” vision, in this vision Tandy and Tyrone meet at a young age when Tandy and her father crash into the water and Tandy can’t swim so Tyrone jumps in a saves her they grow up being close friends, like family. Tandy grows up to be a ballerina in New York while Tyrone grows up to be a cop in New Orleans’s.
Throughout the episode we see different “what if” visions while Tandy is being kidnapped and drugged in the ambulance. In another vision we see Tandy grow up to become a Roxxon corporate suit type and Tyrone become’s a oil rig worker.
We see another vision after Tandy gets even more sedated in a ambulance. In this vision Tandy is a street thief and she pick pockets her old boyfriend from season 1, she get’s caught and chased by cops and runs into Tyrone who is boosting a car, they drive away while Tandy comes to realize that she knows people’s names without them even saying it, all while we’re seeing ambulance flashes throughout each vision.
The next vision we see is all the previous visions rolled into one big vision but everything in the vision is going wrong. Each vision we see we always see Tandy and Tyrone come together as a team. It truly shows the dynamic of the duo which can’t be separated.
2. Andre broke down Tandy emotionally. He essentially steals girls hope. He put’s tandy through an ordeal to become another girl trapped in the system that devours women whole.
The Bad
1. It was a heavily vision centric episode. We hardly saw any real life present day scenes. It was all inside Tandy’s head.
Holy Shit Moment
One holy shit moment was finding out who was behind the sex trafficking of the girls throughout the start of the season and it was no other than Andre who has been helping women talk about there problems in a group.
Next holy shit moment hit me hard… i did not expect this to happen but we see Tandy break out the ambulance and we see Tandy and Tyrone confront Andre who then has a little back and fourth chat with Tandy then shoots Tyrone 3 times.. Tandy breaksdown crying but we see that this is another vision and that the drugs have fully broke Tandy’s mind.
A heavily focused vision episode focused mainly on Tandy and seeing different “what if” visions about what could have been Tyrone and Tandy’s life. unexpected twist on the sex trafficking story arc, sadly this episode may be the weakest we’ve seen in season 2.