Season 2 episode 10 “Tyrone and Tandy head to the Loa dimension to stop the evil force threatening New Orleans, and they confront the personal issues that have been holding them back; Mayhem and Evita do their best to hold off the dangers in the real dimension.”
What Was Good?
1. First off, Andre was one hell of a villain. The episode started off with people all around the city disappearing because of his music. Essentially he started collecting people without hope instead of records.
2. Tyrone and Tandy need to head into the Loa Dimension to find Andre, when he arrive in the dimension everything is destroyed and Tandy tells Tyrone that without the view finder there is no way to get to the mall to get to Andre’s record store. Tyrone shows Tandy a way to find stuff and tells her he believes in her. They enter the record store and that is also destroyed.
3. Tandy and Tyrone get some hero costumes which looked incredible. Literally ripped from the comic page. I hope we get to see more of it.
4. Tyrone get’s to stop running from the police when the evidence from Connors gets people arrested and Tandy reconnects with her mom.
What Was Bad?
1. Well after Tyrone get’s proven innocent, I hope for some kind of scene with his parents but we didn’t get that.

Holy Shit Moment
1. Mayhem fighting and protecting Tandy and Tyrone’s exit plan from the Loa dimension was really great. It was my favorite fight scene of hers this season.
2. Andre makes Tyrone and Tandy go into their dark places. Tyrone came face to face with a “perfect” version of himself while Tandy came face to face with her father. They all end up in a fight then Tyrone makes a plan and switches with Tandy so they fight each others inner demons.
3. In the end battle with Andre, Tandy throw’s some of her daggers at him which pass right through him and hit her mom, another woman and a doctor which gives them all hope. This was however a distraction which leads to Tyrone and Andre talking and Tyrone bringing some dark energy around him and Tandy jumping out with the sword of light and sticking it into Andre’s chest. This move was copied straight from a comic panel.

The Verdict
WOW! What an incredible, well done episode for a finale. Gave us moments straight from the comics! Teased Cloak and Dagger headed somewhere, could it be New York? Cloak and Dagger truly coming into the “Hero” roles was amazing to witness. Mayhem was crazy as well in her last scene of the season.