Season 2 episode 4 “While Tandy goes inside Tyrone’s cloak to pull out Mayhem, Tyrone has to escape with his mom from a threat in the real world.”
The Good & The Bad
The Good
1. Tandy finds out what is going on with Tyrone and he tells her that he doesn’t know what happened to Connors because he sent him to the ‘Darkforce Dimension’ and doesn’t know how to get him or Mayhem back from there. Tyrone can only send people there when he is terrified.
2. Tandy enters the Darkforce Dimension and go only continue through if she gives up her only dagger while she’s in there. While she is searching for Mayhem she finds out someone has been staying inside the dimension for months. She continues through while she found Mayhem they try to leave and Tandy finds some music which when played showed her a memory. The memories she saw was emotional memories from her childhood when her parents where fighting and arguing with each other.
3. Tyrone reunites with his mother because the gang that Tyrone robbed in the first episode found out his name by Tyrone’s wanted poster inside the police station. Tyrone makes his way to his parents house to protect his mother when they gang shows up and Tyrone couldn’t use his powers so him and his mother had to run. This was great because it showed his mother how much Tyrone grew as a person while being on the run.
The Bad
1. I hope the Darkforce Dimension expands and can become anything Tyrone wants because it was kind of a let down that it was only a shopping mall and nothing special. We saw a little change when Tandy broke the rules and everything and everything got released from inside it.
Holy Shit Moment
My Holy Shit Moment was finding out Connors was surviving inside the Darkforce Dimension as we see him escape from there with a big beard and longish hair. It was great to find out that he stayed sane by making makeshift cloaks on a sticks inside a shop. It was unexpected to see him escape this soon and even get away from Tyrone and Tandy.

Great episode exploring more of the Darkforce Dimension and Tyrone’s ability. Great moments between him and his mother. Emotional scenes involving Tandy are always incredible to see because Olivia Holts acting is superb. I expect the season to be flipped around now Connors is back in the real world…