”After coming to terms with their destiny, Tyrone and Tandy find it difficult to just stand by and do nothing while bad things continue to happen throughout the city: Brigid struggles with her recovery.”
”Desperate to help, but only finding they cause more problems than solving them, Tyrone and Tandy continue to struggle with their situation.”
The Good & The Bad
The Good
1. The show starts off with a good old recap of the first season, it then pans to Tyrone who is watching over some street dealers on a corner, we see him follow the dealer to the stash house where he steals the drugs and money, the episode then shows us Tandy in the daytime at a ballet class which she’s picking back up.
2. Throughout the episode we see Tyrone dealing with the police of New Orleans still searching for him from the Season 1 finale for seemingly killing a cop, he’s having a hard time staying away from people he loves like his parents and his girlfriend, throughout the episode we see him watching them from a far.
3. In this episode we see Tandy and her Mother are working to make their relationship better than what it was when Tandy was growing up, we see them go to meetings to fix and talk about their problems.
4. Emma Lehana is a star, she play’s the role of O’Reilly brilliantly and we see this happening in these first 2 episodes, i’m excited to see her throughout the rest of the season, i’ll speak more on this in my ”holy Shit Moment”.
5. One major thing about this show i personally like is how it differs from other Marvel tv shows, This show deals and speaks on real life issues that is going on in the world, drugs, abusive relationships and more.
6. The music they chose for these 2 episodes were amazing choices, they fit the scene the songs played in, the music is on a whole different level for this show.
The Bad
1. The show opens up amazing with Tyrone but on the opposite it opens up slow with Tandy, We see Tyrone doing all this dangerous stuff using his abilities and all we see of Tandy is her doing ballet, it’s not until later on we see her use her daggers to trash someones house.
2. The tension between Cloak & Dagger was awkward, it felt like season 1 Cloak & Dagger, which took me by surprise because i thought they’d be best of friends by now. It felt like forced tension between the two characters.
Holy Shit Moment
Only one holy shit moment in both episodes and that was the scene in the club where Tyrone was secretly recording gang leaders but someone or something killed all of the gang members, we later see a drunk O’Reilly being sick into the street while looking into a puddle of water we see another O’Reilly appear and seemingly take over, it was revealed later that this isn’t split personalities but TWO O’Reilly’s, the good cop side and the MAYHEM side of her!
While the 2 hour premiere was great, some of it felt slow but everything else was great, from Tyrone learning how to teleport him and someone else to Tandy saving Tyrone to finally getting the Mayhem character reveal! I’m so excited for the next episode. Aubrey Joseph and Olivia Holt were perfect castings for the roles of Cloak & Dagger.